Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A Minute Makes an Impact by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DT

How can you stand out from your competition? Are you doing all you can to get that job?  

Many high school graduates have fond memories of a parent reminding them to send thank you notes to people who attended their graduation and sent them gifts.
No, you can't send a text. No, you can't send an email. Hand write a thank you note.
My Momma taught us the art of writing thank you notes right after receiving a gift. No child wants to do this ; but the discipline of doing it right away helps you avoid the embarrassment of remembering that you didn't send a thank you card when you meet them 3 months later. 
I've talked to countless people, over the years, who have saved thank you notes, or notes of appreciation. When someone is feeling down, opening up their collection of thank you cards or notes of appreciation puts a smile on their face.
After playing a successful concert in New York City several musicians and I went out to dinner. I was already an established world-traveling musician, and the others were just beginning their professional careers. I decided to pick up the dinner tab for our party.
Three days later, I received a lovely duo for viola and piano dedicated to me by one of our musicians who was a composer. It was a memorable thank you note!
Jay just interviewed for his dream job. He thought the interview went well! When he called a week later they said the position had been filled. He was in shock!
He called back and asked the secretary of the corporation, "What did the winning candidate do differently than the other candidates?" Her reply, "The winning candidate sent a handwritten follow up note immediately after the interview."  
Amy Segelin, President and co-owner of Chaloner, a national executive search firm said, "The message is simple regarding thank you notes after a job interview: No follow up can mean no job."
The lynchpin for many hiring managers is the follow up handwritten thank you note after the Interview:

One hiring manager said, “The follow up is the lynchpin for me. If the interview goes well and I feel invigorated and excited about someone, I wait to see what kind of follow up efforts they put forth.”

Tim Ventura, Digital Marketing Executive said, with many candidates to consider for a job and “with a stack of resumes and notes, a thank you follow up will tend to give their resume a bit more weight, because it puts them back in your radar. A thank you note demonstrates actual interest, genuine enthusiasm, self- motivated, “go- getter” attitude.”

New York fashion publicist Cristiano Magni says, “It is so important, in a digital world, to have the dignity to sit down and write something in your own hand.”

What if the thank you card or a simple note of appreciation you sent was viewed as a seed that was essential to causing a new relationship to bloom?

Composer Joseph Haydn’s most memorable thank you Note:

John Bland, an English music publisher, was visiting composer Joseph Haydn in his home in Vienna, Austria. His goal was to convince Haydn to come to London in 1787 for a concert engagement and to publish Haydn’s music.

When Bland arrived at Haydn’s home, he found the composer struggling to shave with a dull razor. The world-famous composer’s face and neck were covered with nicks and cuts and he was complaining about the headache of shaving with a razor that was not sharp.

Haydn said, “I would give my best quartet for a good razor.”

Bland rushed back his room and grabbed his new British razors and raced back to present them to Haydn.

True to his word, Bland was given the manuscript for the Quartet, op. 55 No.2, the Razor Quartet. That was a memorable thank you note!

Build Strong Relationships that Last a Lifetime:

That day was the beginning of a new relationship and strong connection and friendship between the two men. John Bland became Haydn’s music publisher and when Haydn came to England he stayed at John Bland’s home. 

Would you be willing to write a thank you card or a simple note of appreciation if it was essential to causing a new relationship to bloom?  Are you willing to take that next step to get your dream job?

Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM, John Maxwell Team Member, and Certified World Class Speaking Coach. She is an Best Selling Author, Radio Show host, speaker, business owner, teacher, conductor, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations “Tune Up their Business”. Her observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your business successful. Her latest book “Leadership On A Shoestring Budget” is available everywhere books are sold. If you need a speaker contact Madeline at:

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Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".