Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Mature Generation in the Workplace by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.

The Mature /WWII Generation are 67 years or older and were born before 1946. They are dedicated to their jobs. They respect authority, are conformists, honor rules, and believe work is an obligation. This generation places a high value on job security. They have a great deal of knowledge and expertise and do quality work. Their parents survived the 1929 Great Depression, WWII, and Korean War.

Rewards and Feed Back:

The Mature Generation values receiving memos that are hand written. As an employer you should give them as incentives awards, plaques, and money. This generation wants to continue learning and growing so remember to continue sending them to courses to help them work smarter to save time. Because of the present economic times they are not retiring.

Tune in next Thursday for the second part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.

Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dealing With Multi -Generations in the Workplace by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.

What are these four diverse generations like? The Mature Generation/WWII believes work is an obligation. Baby Boomers are the workaholics. Generation X are latch key kids who are independent. Generation Y/ Millennial are the spoiled and entitled.

Tune in next Thursday for the first part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.

Write and share your experiences in your multi-generational workplace. What would you like to see happen at your company?


First Impressions

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Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".