Monday, August 29, 2016

Don't Assume, Get The Facts by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM

 Do you assume things that are not true? What are the three questions you should ask yourself instead of assuming anything?

One day after swimming, I decided to practice my violin for a while and my Mom went to sit on the porch to read and enjoy the breeze. It was a beautiful sunny day with temperatures around 82 degrees.

As I was practicing our neighbors walked by my Mom and commented on the beautiful music coming from our hotel room. They said to my Mom, "The music coming from your hotel room is just lovely!"

"Mom smiled at them and said "thank you!"

A few hours latter the same neighbors walked by with a pained expression on their faces and said to my Mom, "What happened to the beautiful music?"

Mom started laughing and said to the neighbors, "I have two daughters, a fifteen year old who is a gifted violinist who was practicing two hours ago and a 5 year old who you just heard, who started learning the violin two weeks ago!"

Have you ever jumped to the wrong conclusion about someone else? Have you ever assumed something about someone that was not true?

Don't think emotionally. Don't jump to conclusions. Always look deeper and get all the facts before you make a decision or say anything that can harm someone else or yourself.

A businesswoman was at a large airport waiting for her flight when she purchased a package of cookies at the store. She went to sit in the lounge with her cookies and her newspaper to wait for her flight to be called.

A few minutes later a well-dressed gentleman sat down beside her and she heard a crackling sound. He was taking one of her cookies and proceeded to eat the cookie. She gave him a dirty look and reached in and took a cookie for herself. The gentleman continued taking the cookies until there was only one left. He broke the last cookie in half, eat it, and moved the other half in her direction. He smiled getting up and leaving as his flight had been called. The businesswomen eat the other half of the cookie with a scowl on her face!

A few minutes later, her flight was called and she reached into her purse for her ticket and found her bag of unopened cookies. She was shocked and upset with herself!

Did you assume that the cookies were the businesswoman's? I thought so too!
Have you ever made a wrong assumption that was not true about another person? Have you ever jumped to the wrong conclusion?

Don't think emotionally. Never assume anything. Instead look deeper and get all the facts before you making a decision.

As a young bride in NYC, I opened our apartment closet to put away a few items and found three, 6-foot duffle bags taking up all the closet space.

The night before, I had watched a very scary movie so as I got closer to the bags I was looking closely at them.

I noticed three things.

1) Nothing moved in the bags.
2) There was no strong odor coming from the bags.
3) There were no bugs or blood dripping down from the bags.

So far so good!

"From these facts I decided there was not a dead body in our closet"!

I quickly called my new husband, "so as not to invade his property."

I asked him, "What are in the three, 6 ft. duffel bags in our closet?

My husband said, "They are laundry bags. Instead of washing the clothes, to save time, I bought new ones!"

I replied, "Oh".

On my next day off from work, I began tackling his laundry bags!

As you first listened to the story of the "3 Six Foot Duffle Bags in the Closet", were you intrigued wanting to know more? Did you automatically make any assumptions?

What are the three questions you should ask yourself instead of assuming anything?

1) Are you thinking emotionally or are you thinking rationally? Remember we are emotional creatures and that's how we think at first.
2) What facts have been presented to you?
3) Have you verified the facts so you can think logically and clearly to make a good decision?

Remember to ask yourself these three questions, so you "don't assume anything", making snap judgments that can hurt someone else!

Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is an Best Selling Author, John Maxwell Team Member, Certified World Class Speaking Coach, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your business successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly article & Musical Tips Blog" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". Her book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget" is available on Amazon or Kindle. Contact Madeline Frank for your next speaking engagement at

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Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".