Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Outstanding Customer Service by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.

Is there a favorite restaurant where you, your family, and your friends like to eat lunch or dinner? How is the food and the customer service?

My family and friends have been going to a local Indian restaurant in Virginia for over eight years. It is a family owned restaurant and the older couple that managed the business were excellent at making their customers feel appreciated. They greeted their customers with a smile and were always neatly dressed. Their hair was combed. Their posture was straight. They were polite and helpful to their customers. Their wait staff was well- trained and the quality of the food was good. The restaurant was always filled with customers and a few people were always waiting for seats.

Two years ago, this older couple, were sent to another of their restaurants in Colorado that needed some help. In their place were sent a young man and young woman, relatives, who always greeted their customers with a smile, were always neatly dressed, their hair was combed, their posture was straight, and they were polite and helpful to their customers. They always made sure their customers were happy with what they ordered and would bring them another glass of ice tea or what ever they were drinking.

A week after they celebrated their 15th anniversary, the young man and young women, who were managing the restaurant departed and "two young angry men" were in charge of the restaurant. The few customers in the restaurant did not look very happy. The quality of the food was not up to its usual standard.

One of the "angry young men" came over and asked us, "Is everything OK?
We were afraid to say anything as he reminded us of an angry mobster. So we said, "Everything was OK!" We left feeling very depressed about this restaurant.

Five weeks later we returned to the Indian restaurant and the "two angry young men" were gone and in their place was the older couple that had just come back from Colorado to take over the restaurant in Virginia. We were so glad to see them and asked, "How is your restaurant in Colorado doing? They said, "It is doing very well thank you for asking! The restaurant was packed with customers smiling and having a good time with good food and excellent customer service once again. We told them before we left how glad we were to see them and have them back.

What are the 3 things you will want your employees to remember about excellent customer service?

1)  Your employees should always smile, be dressed for success with their hair combed, stand up straight, have a positive attitude, and be helpful and polite to their customers.

2) First impressions are fast impressions and last forever. Your customer should feel like an honored guest in your business and be treated with courtesy and respect in a polite and friendly manner.

3) Your employees want their customers to be happy with their excellent customer service, to give them good tips and be repeat customers, recommending their friends to come to your business.

Remember your employees are your first representatives of your business. They should be so proud of the excellent customer service they deliver that they are willing to give out their card with their name on it and the name of your business.

Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM, John Maxwell Team Member, and Certified World Class Speaking Coach is an Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips Blog" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget" available in print or as an e-book. 

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Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".