Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Developing the discipline of saving and investing is paying yourself first.


My friend Stewart taught his teenage daughter to save 40 cents out of each $1 she earned, beginning with her first job. She continued to do this through high school, college, and with her jobs as an adult. She now is the proud owner of two condos. Learn to save your money for your future car, house, condo, or other necessity and teach your family and friends to do this too.


My Momma, Romayne Leader Frank, taught me in high school to make a budget of my expenses, to keep a ledger of the money going into the bank and the money to be paid out for expenses. She also taught me to put my entire pay check in the bank, to pay all my bills, and to take out only the necessary amount for food and spending money. The remaining money went into my savings account. As a college student, I always had a job to help me pay my tuition, my apartment rent, utilities, and food.


 So, start today to save your pennies and begin your prosperity for tomorrow. (C)2024, 2019 Madeline Frank


This article is the third of four articles on teaching you, to take hold of your finances.



Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is an Best Selling Author, speaker, business owner, teacher, John Maxwell Team Member, conductor, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations “Tune Up their Business”. Her observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your business successful. Her latest book “Leadership On A Shoestring Budget” is available everywhere books are sold. If you need a speaker or video speaker contact Madeline at:


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Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".