When you make a promise do you keep it? Can your employer, your family, and your friends depend on you?
What does accountability mean? Webster’s Dictionary of 1828 says, “Accountability is the state of being liable to answer for one’s conduct; to receive reward or punishment for actions.” Accountability means you can be counted on. You are dependable, honest, trustworthy, and you won’t let your company, your family, your friends, your teachers, or your mentors down. You can be relied on!
President Harry Truman had a sign on his desk at the White House that said, “The buck stops here.” As a leader, President Truman accepted responsibility for his actions.
In his farewell address to the American people, President Truman said, “The President-whoever he is- has to decide. He can’t pass the buck to anybody. No one else can do the deciding for him. That’s his job.”
President Truman was saying a leader, a President, must take responsibility for his or her actions and be accountable for them. A leader does not pass the blame on to someone else.
Do you want your employees to work as a team and be responsible and accountable for their areas of expertise? Of course you do!
Recently my colleagues and I attended an Educational Conference, which each of us paid a considerable amount of money to attend. The Educational Conference included meals. Ten of us went into the dinning room to find there was no place for us to sit and eat our meal. We went to speak to the head of the Conference in charge of food service and the hotel dining room staff to have them put up another table. No one wanted to step up and be accountable for this problem. For over 30 minutes we waited while everyone else was eating their dinner. The Conference head in charge of dinning did not take responsibility to solve the problem quickly. Finally, after waiting 40 minutes the hotel staff put up another table with a tablecloth, napkins, silverware, and glasses. After this experience several of us said, “Never again would we attend this Conference.”
Would you like to attend a Conference where no one was accountable for his or her actions? Of course not! You want to surround yourself with people who are accountable like President Harry Truman.
In a fancy New York City restaurant in a well-known hotel off of Park Avenue, my Mom ordered a cup of coffee during the buffet meal. The waiter brought half a cup. When she asked for more coffee the waiter never served it. When the bill arrived Mom paid the bill leaving a small tip. The server came over demanding a larger tip. Mom said, “If you are not satisfied with the tip give it back. Tips are for excellent service. Your service was not.”
Each person should be accountable for his or her actions and needs to be taught by their employers, family members, and friends the significance of being accountability and responsible for their actions.
What are the 3 things you need to remember about accountability?
1) To be counted on you must be dependable, honest, and trustworthy, and reliable. You won’t let them down! When you make a promise you keep it! Mark Twain said, “Do the right thing. It will gratify some people and astonish the rest.”
2) Teach accountability to your employees, your family members, your students, and to those around you.
3) Darren LaCroix, World Champion of Public Speaking says, “It’s not about you.” Help others and always do the right thing by being accountable and responsible so people can rely and depend on you.
When you say you are going to do something, follow through, and do it by the due date you promised. Jeffrey Gitomer, best selling author and top sales trainer says, “Your word is your bond.” Start today to be a leader that is accountable and responsible for your actions. Remember a sign of maturity is accountability!
Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, motivational teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
Contact Madeline Frank for your next speaking engagement at mfrankviola@gmail.com
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
All of Us Need New Goals to Conquer by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM
When you have accomplishing your goal it’s time to set a new one. I have just received my DTM, my Distinguished Toastmasters Award. Dave Sheffield, “The Shef”, motivational speaker, author, and Coach says, it’s “Freshly minted”.
A DTM is the highest award in the speaking and leadership organization Toastmasters. To my mind a DTM is like a Ph.D. in public speaking, communication, and leadership skills. I completed it in less than 3 years.
How did I do it? I set a goal date for each course or set of projects. For your goal dates choose a date that is important to you like your birthday, your parent’s birthdays, your wedding anniversary, your parent’s wedding anniversary, your children’s birthdays, friend’s birthdays or sibling’s birthdays. Whatever dates you choose make sure it’s a date that is special to you!
For the first 10 speaking projects in the Toastmasters “Competent Communicator Manual” and the 10 leadership projects in the “Competent Leadership Manual”, I set my birthday, November 24th as my goal date. Having completed that goal and date, I set out to finish the next 10 speaking projects, for the “Advanced Communicator Bronze” and the “Advanced Leader Bronze” by my Mother’s birthday, May 28th. By choosing dates that are important to you, you will finish and accomplish your goals. As I finished each goal I had already set up the next goal date.
So what are the three steps to accomplishing your new goals?
1) Write down what your new goal is and the date you want to complete it. Remember to visualize accomplishing this goal. For each step of your goal write down the date you will complete it and stick to that date. Place it where you can see the goal and the date every day so you can focus on it! Make it apart of your daily “Agenda”.
2) Write down your obstacles that you will have to overcome to reach your goal. Every obstacle is a problem, which means it’s an “opportunity” to grow, learn, and change.
3) Write down your “plan of action” and the “time limit” for each phase of your plan with your goal date for completing each section of your goal.
Remember to keep your goals and dates in front of you where you can see them everyday. My new goal is to work for a second DTM. What’s your goal and what date do you plan to complete it? Don’t get sidetracked. You can do it!
Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, motivational teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Friday, October 18, 2013
Everyone Needs Encouragement by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM
Every person in life needs positive encouragement to motivate and inspire them for success. Dr. George Adams says, “Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.”
George W. Crane, medical doctor, psychologist, professor , and author taught in Chicago in the 1920’s at North Western University. When he began teaching students in his evening classes, he found that his adult students were older working in businesses, stores, factories, and offices during the day. Each of them desired to improve their education at night. Some of his students told him they felt iceolated and shy. He designed his first assignment to help his students connect with others.
Dr. Crane said to his class, “You are to use your psychology every day either at home or work on the streetcars and buses. For the first month, your written assignment will be the Compliment Club. Every day you are to pay an honest compliment to each of three different persons… for 30 consecutive days.” He said, “Keep a record of those to whom you pay your three compliments. You need not give me their names, but list them as ‘Newsboy’ or ‘Street conductor’ or ‘Sales clerk’ . Keep an accurate record of how people acknowledge your compliments.”
Dr. Crane said, “At the end of the 30-day experiment, I want you to write a theme or paper on your experiences. Include the changes you have noted in the people around you, as well as your own altered outlook on life.”
As his students complimented others their lives changed and improved too! And by complementing others they were motivated, encouraged, and inspired as well. Dr. Crane said, “Appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth.”
As a teacher I have watched my students and colleagues blossom from words of encouragement. By giving them a sincere compliment they have the energy and the desire to try harder at whatever they are working on. Everyone in life needs positive encouragement to help them grow , inspire and motivate them to succeed. The “Power of Encouragement” gives us hope that we can succeed and everyone needs it!
A fabulous story of motivating and inspiring students is “All the Good Things” by Sister Helen P. Mrosla. She was teaching her eighth grade math students a very difficult math concept and her students were very frustrated . This is when she asked her students to write down all the students names in the class, on two sheets of paper, and to leave room to write, “the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates”.
After class, Sister Mrosla made a separate list of these wonderful compliments on two sheets of note book paper for each student and handed them out to her students the following Monday. Her students were all glowing with happiness after reading their sheets. Many years later she would be asked to attend Mark Eklund’s funeral by his parents. Her former student was killed in Vietnam. When she spoke to his parents after the funeral they shared with Sister Mrosla the two sheets of notebook paper that she had written down “all the good things” his classmates had written about him. These two sheets were well worn and were in his pocket when he died.
Mark’s mother said, “ Thank you so much for doing that. As you can see, Mark treasured it.” http://www.my-happy-heart.com/all-good-things.html
These words of praise can last a life time. In all of life, people need praise and encouragement to improve, to be inspired, to learn , and to grow. When President Abraham Lincoln died, among the items in his pocket were 8 newspaper clippings on positive things said about him during his re-election campaign. During his Presidency, Lincoln was maligned many times by the newspapers.
These 8 newspaper clippings, President Lincoln read and re-read just as Mark Eklund read and re-read “all the good things” said about him by his classmates . Both men “treasured” their sheets. Words of praise can last a life time!
One of my favorite rules is Dr. John Maxwell’s “30 second rule” which says, “Within the first thirty seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person.” This should be your motto for connecting with your students, family members, your colleagues, and anyone else you are around.
So what are the three simple things you can do beginning today, for your ten day challenge to inspire, encourage, and motivate others around you?
1) As Dr. George Crane said, “Every day pay an honest compliment to each of three different persons.” Coach John Wooden said “Be specific with your praise.”
2) Follow Dr. John Maxwell’s “30 second rule” and say your inspiring words within 30 seconds of talking to someone. Dave Sheffield,motivational speaker and author says,“Happy employees equal happy customers”.
3) Every evening at home think of several “honest compliments” you can give to “3 different people” you will be coming in contact with the next day. They can be family members, business co -workers, students, friends, and strangers. Happy people are inspired and motivated to do better work. Give the gift of compliments and you will be given a gift in return.
So begin today to train your mind to look for the good in people to brighten their day and your day. Always begin with an “honest compliment”! Remember words of encouragement motivate and inspire us to do a better job, to improve our skills, and work at a higher level.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, motivational teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget”.
To contact Madeline: mfrankviola@gmail.com
George W. Crane, medical doctor, psychologist, professor , and author taught in Chicago in the 1920’s at North Western University. When he began teaching students in his evening classes, he found that his adult students were older working in businesses, stores, factories, and offices during the day. Each of them desired to improve their education at night. Some of his students told him they felt iceolated and shy. He designed his first assignment to help his students connect with others.
Dr. Crane said to his class, “You are to use your psychology every day either at home or work on the streetcars and buses. For the first month, your written assignment will be the Compliment Club. Every day you are to pay an honest compliment to each of three different persons… for 30 consecutive days.” He said, “Keep a record of those to whom you pay your three compliments. You need not give me their names, but list them as ‘Newsboy’ or ‘Street conductor’ or ‘Sales clerk’ . Keep an accurate record of how people acknowledge your compliments.”
Dr. Crane said, “At the end of the 30-day experiment, I want you to write a theme or paper on your experiences. Include the changes you have noted in the people around you, as well as your own altered outlook on life.”
As his students complimented others their lives changed and improved too! And by complementing others they were motivated, encouraged, and inspired as well. Dr. Crane said, “Appreciative words are the most powerful force for good on earth.”
As a teacher I have watched my students and colleagues blossom from words of encouragement. By giving them a sincere compliment they have the energy and the desire to try harder at whatever they are working on. Everyone in life needs positive encouragement to help them grow , inspire and motivate them to succeed. The “Power of Encouragement” gives us hope that we can succeed and everyone needs it!
A fabulous story of motivating and inspiring students is “All the Good Things” by Sister Helen P. Mrosla. She was teaching her eighth grade math students a very difficult math concept and her students were very frustrated . This is when she asked her students to write down all the students names in the class, on two sheets of paper, and to leave room to write, “the nicest thing they could say about each of their classmates”.
After class, Sister Mrosla made a separate list of these wonderful compliments on two sheets of note book paper for each student and handed them out to her students the following Monday. Her students were all glowing with happiness after reading their sheets. Many years later she would be asked to attend Mark Eklund’s funeral by his parents. Her former student was killed in Vietnam. When she spoke to his parents after the funeral they shared with Sister Mrosla the two sheets of notebook paper that she had written down “all the good things” his classmates had written about him. These two sheets were well worn and were in his pocket when he died.
Mark’s mother said, “ Thank you so much for doing that. As you can see, Mark treasured it.” http://www.my-happy-heart.com/all-good-things.html
These words of praise can last a life time. In all of life, people need praise and encouragement to improve, to be inspired, to learn , and to grow. When President Abraham Lincoln died, among the items in his pocket were 8 newspaper clippings on positive things said about him during his re-election campaign. During his Presidency, Lincoln was maligned many times by the newspapers.
These 8 newspaper clippings, President Lincoln read and re-read just as Mark Eklund read and re-read “all the good things” said about him by his classmates . Both men “treasured” their sheets. Words of praise can last a life time!
One of my favorite rules is Dr. John Maxwell’s “30 second rule” which says, “Within the first thirty seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person.” This should be your motto for connecting with your students, family members, your colleagues, and anyone else you are around.
So what are the three simple things you can do beginning today, for your ten day challenge to inspire, encourage, and motivate others around you?
1) As Dr. George Crane said, “Every day pay an honest compliment to each of three different persons.” Coach John Wooden said “Be specific with your praise.”
2) Follow Dr. John Maxwell’s “30 second rule” and say your inspiring words within 30 seconds of talking to someone. Dave Sheffield,motivational speaker and author says,“Happy employees equal happy customers”.
3) Every evening at home think of several “honest compliments” you can give to “3 different people” you will be coming in contact with the next day. They can be family members, business co -workers, students, friends, and strangers. Happy people are inspired and motivated to do better work. Give the gift of compliments and you will be given a gift in return.
So begin today to train your mind to look for the good in people to brighten their day and your day. Always begin with an “honest compliment”! Remember words of encouragement motivate and inspire us to do a better job, to improve our skills, and work at a higher level.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, motivational teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget”.
To contact Madeline: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Sunday, September 29, 2013
“How Not to Suck at Giving Toastmaster Evaluations” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D., DTM
Would you want someone to say nasty things about your speech and demoralize you? Of course “Not”! Dr. John Maxwell says, “Encouragement is oxygen for the soul.” Everyone in life needs encouragement to motivate and inspire them for success.
I have been a member of Toastmasters for four years. Toastmasters International is defined as a club “for helping members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills.” Toastmasters clubs teach their members, through their manual speeches, how to prepare speeches, how to deliver speeches, how to critically think and improve their written and oral presentation skills. Many speeches in the Toastmasters manuals are 5-7 minutes and are timed. Constructive feedback is given in a positive friendly atmosphere. Every manual speech has an Evaluator who will listen critically to tell the speaker what the speaker has done well and what they need to improve. Every person in life needs positive encouragement to motivate and inspire them.
During exam week at a College in Virginia , I had finished teaching for the day and was getting into my car in the parking lot when one of my third year education students ran over and said, “My friend “G” is about to be thrown out of College. She is in her third year of the education program. G’s main professor said “She is not talented enough to be a teacher. “G” is only shy. You have to help her right now!”
I immediately asked “A’ to take me to the auditorium where the professors were meeting to decide on “G’s” future. I walked in to “G’s” jury and raised my hand and asked the faculty committee, the men’s club, as I was the only women present, “If I could address them on “G’s” behalf?” They agreed.
“I asked the committee if it would be possible for me to work with “G” this summer, to make up their list of deficiencies, and in the fall the committee would re-convene and re-examine the issue of her graduation?” They asked me to leave so they could discuss this.
That summer we worked together to make up all her deficiencies in a step- by- step process. In the fall, the committee re-examined “G’s” application to graduate with her class. She passed with flying colors. The committee was very impressed and asked me, “How did you do it?” I answered, “Have you heard of kindness and patience?” One professor’s mouth fell to the floor. At that moment, I wished a fly would go by and go in the professors open mouth, but it didn’t happen!”
“G” graduated with honors and has been teaching very successfully for over 13 years in the public schools. During her summer vacations, she went back to school part time, to receive her Master’s degree in 2007. I received an invitation to her graduation. I’m very proud of her success. Through her adversity she has learned how to help her students gain self-esteem and self-worth by giving them positive encouragement and showing them kindness and patience. Her students love and respect her and she understands the value of positive encouragement and how it can last a life time.
Over the years I have watched my students and colleagues blossom from words of encouragement. Everyone in life needs positive encouragement to help us grow , inspire and motivate us to succeed. The “Power of Encouragement” gives us hope that we can succeed and everyone needs it!
One of my favorite rules is Dr. John Maxwell’s “30 second rule” which says, “Within the first thirty seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person.” This should be your motto for evaluating and connecting with people.
Recently I gave a speech entitled “The Power of Encouragement”. The Evaluator for my speech sat and listened to my speech of how a teacher motivated, inspired, and empowered her 34 students by giving them positive encouragement which lasted for many years after her class. During this speech for over 6 minutes, the evaluator listened with tears running down his face. He seemed truly involved and touched by the story and message of my speech. The other Toastmasters were listening intently too! After my speech was concluded the evaluator was called up to the lectern to evaluate my speech.
He said, “Your diction needs improvement, you need more vocal variety, and you need to be more animated.”
Listening to his Evaluation “I felt like I had been whip lashed! Apparently nothing I did was any good. I felt like giving up!” Everyone needs to feel cared about and loved. When we cut people down and say nasty things about them we steal and take away their self-esteem. We do a hatchet job on their confidence. Vicious words hurt!
The purpose of a Speech Evaluation or any other type of evaluation is to tell the speaker or employee what they did well and what they can do to improve their speech or their work. The purpose of an evaluation is not to demoralize you and make you want to give up and quit. Words of encouragement motivate and inspire us to do a better job to improve our skills at delivering a speech or doing a job at a higher level.
So, how should you approach the Evaluation of your speaker?
1) First read the objectives of your speaker’s project.
2) Toastmaster World Champion Speaker Lance Miller says, “Ask your speaker if possible “if there is anything they are working on specifically that they want you to watch?”
3) Before the speech take out a blank piece of paper to take notes on. My mama, Romayne Leader Frank said, “New born babies arrive with blank pages. Be careful what you write on them.” Writing a speech evaluation is like that too! On one side of your blank page, before the speech begins, write down the following 5 parts of your speech leaving space for your brief notes: Opening, Body, Conclusion, and Message. On the other side of your blank page list the following Technical items of a speech and leave space to write brief notes: First impression, eye contact, vocal variety, use of notes, gestures, props, use of the stage, humor, audience attention, prepared or not. Does the speaker, speak with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity? Any distractions? Are they nervous? Be very brief in your notes.
4)As the speaker begins, "listen carefully and focus on your speaker.” Write down a few words on your first impression of your speaker’s opening. Did it grab your attention? On the body of the speech did your speaker tell a story and make a point? Bill Gove, "the legendary father of professional speaking" said, "Your audience will remember your stories long after they forget the content of your speech. Tell a story and make a point... and then tell them another story and make another point." Did your speaker do this? Did your speaker, speak with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity?
5)What was the conclusion? Did your speaker have a message, a “call to action” for their audience? Write down all your speaker’s strengths.
6)On the Technical side you are noting,in your short hand, if your speaker is making eye contact with the audience, how their vocal variety is , if they use notes, gestures, props, how they use the stage, if they use humor, if the audience’s attention is on your speaker, and if your speaker is prepared or not.
7)Do not look at the Evaluation sheet until after the speech is finished! When the speaker has finished speaking, then as the Evaluator you look at the evaluation form, and first tell them all the wonderful things you enjoyed about their speech. Then make one or two suggestions for improving their speech. Always begin and end with all the wonderful things the speaker has done in the speech.
Remember you are there to build up and make better speakers and leaders. You are not there to destroy anyone’s self-esteem. You are there to find their strengths and build on them. Words of encouragement motivate and inspire us to do a better job and these words last forever!
Madeline Frank,Ph.D., DTM is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, motivational teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
I have been a member of Toastmasters for four years. Toastmasters International is defined as a club “for helping members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills.” Toastmasters clubs teach their members, through their manual speeches, how to prepare speeches, how to deliver speeches, how to critically think and improve their written and oral presentation skills. Many speeches in the Toastmasters manuals are 5-7 minutes and are timed. Constructive feedback is given in a positive friendly atmosphere. Every manual speech has an Evaluator who will listen critically to tell the speaker what the speaker has done well and what they need to improve. Every person in life needs positive encouragement to motivate and inspire them.
During exam week at a College in Virginia , I had finished teaching for the day and was getting into my car in the parking lot when one of my third year education students ran over and said, “My friend “G” is about to be thrown out of College. She is in her third year of the education program. G’s main professor said “She is not talented enough to be a teacher. “G” is only shy. You have to help her right now!”
I immediately asked “A’ to take me to the auditorium where the professors were meeting to decide on “G’s” future. I walked in to “G’s” jury and raised my hand and asked the faculty committee, the men’s club, as I was the only women present, “If I could address them on “G’s” behalf?” They agreed.
“I asked the committee if it would be possible for me to work with “G” this summer, to make up their list of deficiencies, and in the fall the committee would re-convene and re-examine the issue of her graduation?” They asked me to leave so they could discuss this.
That summer we worked together to make up all her deficiencies in a step- by- step process. In the fall, the committee re-examined “G’s” application to graduate with her class. She passed with flying colors. The committee was very impressed and asked me, “How did you do it?” I answered, “Have you heard of kindness and patience?” One professor’s mouth fell to the floor. At that moment, I wished a fly would go by and go in the professors open mouth, but it didn’t happen!”
“G” graduated with honors and has been teaching very successfully for over 13 years in the public schools. During her summer vacations, she went back to school part time, to receive her Master’s degree in 2007. I received an invitation to her graduation. I’m very proud of her success. Through her adversity she has learned how to help her students gain self-esteem and self-worth by giving them positive encouragement and showing them kindness and patience. Her students love and respect her and she understands the value of positive encouragement and how it can last a life time.
Over the years I have watched my students and colleagues blossom from words of encouragement. Everyone in life needs positive encouragement to help us grow , inspire and motivate us to succeed. The “Power of Encouragement” gives us hope that we can succeed and everyone needs it!
One of my favorite rules is Dr. John Maxwell’s “30 second rule” which says, “Within the first thirty seconds of a conversation, say something encouraging to a person.” This should be your motto for evaluating and connecting with people.
Recently I gave a speech entitled “The Power of Encouragement”. The Evaluator for my speech sat and listened to my speech of how a teacher motivated, inspired, and empowered her 34 students by giving them positive encouragement which lasted for many years after her class. During this speech for over 6 minutes, the evaluator listened with tears running down his face. He seemed truly involved and touched by the story and message of my speech. The other Toastmasters were listening intently too! After my speech was concluded the evaluator was called up to the lectern to evaluate my speech.
He said, “Your diction needs improvement, you need more vocal variety, and you need to be more animated.”
Listening to his Evaluation “I felt like I had been whip lashed! Apparently nothing I did was any good. I felt like giving up!” Everyone needs to feel cared about and loved. When we cut people down and say nasty things about them we steal and take away their self-esteem. We do a hatchet job on their confidence. Vicious words hurt!
The purpose of a Speech Evaluation or any other type of evaluation is to tell the speaker or employee what they did well and what they can do to improve their speech or their work. The purpose of an evaluation is not to demoralize you and make you want to give up and quit. Words of encouragement motivate and inspire us to do a better job to improve our skills at delivering a speech or doing a job at a higher level.
So, how should you approach the Evaluation of your speaker?
1) First read the objectives of your speaker’s project.
2) Toastmaster World Champion Speaker Lance Miller says, “Ask your speaker if possible “if there is anything they are working on specifically that they want you to watch?”
3) Before the speech take out a blank piece of paper to take notes on. My mama, Romayne Leader Frank said, “New born babies arrive with blank pages. Be careful what you write on them.” Writing a speech evaluation is like that too! On one side of your blank page, before the speech begins, write down the following 5 parts of your speech leaving space for your brief notes: Opening, Body, Conclusion, and Message. On the other side of your blank page list the following Technical items of a speech and leave space to write brief notes: First impression, eye contact, vocal variety, use of notes, gestures, props, use of the stage, humor, audience attention, prepared or not. Does the speaker, speak with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity? Any distractions? Are they nervous? Be very brief in your notes.
4)As the speaker begins, "listen carefully and focus on your speaker.” Write down a few words on your first impression of your speaker’s opening. Did it grab your attention? On the body of the speech did your speaker tell a story and make a point? Bill Gove, "the legendary father of professional speaking" said, "Your audience will remember your stories long after they forget the content of your speech. Tell a story and make a point... and then tell them another story and make another point." Did your speaker do this? Did your speaker, speak with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity?
5)What was the conclusion? Did your speaker have a message, a “call to action” for their audience? Write down all your speaker’s strengths.
6)On the Technical side you are noting,in your short hand, if your speaker is making eye contact with the audience, how their vocal variety is , if they use notes, gestures, props, how they use the stage, if they use humor, if the audience’s attention is on your speaker, and if your speaker is prepared or not.
7)Do not look at the Evaluation sheet until after the speech is finished! When the speaker has finished speaking, then as the Evaluator you look at the evaluation form, and first tell them all the wonderful things you enjoyed about their speech. Then make one or two suggestions for improving their speech. Always begin and end with all the wonderful things the speaker has done in the speech.
Remember you are there to build up and make better speakers and leaders. You are not there to destroy anyone’s self-esteem. You are there to find their strengths and build on them. Words of encouragement motivate and inspire us to do a better job and these words last forever!
Madeline Frank,Ph.D., DTM is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, motivational teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
Saturday, August 3, 2013
Happy Customers Buy More Products by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Would you rather go into a store and purchase your everyday necessities from a smiling friendly clerk or one who scowls at you? Everything in life is about relationships.
Recently I went into two local stores near my house. In the first store the clerk said to me, before ringing up my purchases, “Will you make a donation of $1 to the following cause?” My response was “we will see!”
When she threw my new reading glasses into the bag with my canned goods all bets were off! I was not willing to donate.
The second store clerk smiled at me as I walked into her store. I asked her, “How are your husband and two children doing?” She replied, “Wonderfully well!”
She always asks how my family is doing too! She is always positive, friendly, helpful, and carefully bags my purchases. She is always dressed neatly with her hair combed. If she had asked me to donate for a worthy cause I would have.
It’s all about relationships and connecting with others. Our behavior matters!
So, what are the three things your employees should do to make your customers want to come back to your store and to even donate to your store’s worthy cause when money is really tight?
1)When your customers enter your business your employees need to smile, be respectful, be polite, be helpful, be knowledgeable, be well groomed, dress appropriately and make a good first impression so your customers want to continue being your customers.
2)Employees should treat their customers as if they are honored guests in your store. Your employees should speak to customers and their family members in a reliable and timely manner.
3)When the sale is completed your employees should carefully place the items purchased in the bag. It does not matter if it is a $2 can or a $500 glass lamp, your customers purchases should be treated carefully with respect. All customers wish to be treated with courtesy and respect in a friendly polite manner.
Remember we are there to serve our customers. First impressions are lasting impressions and can never be repeated!
Recently I went into two local stores near my house. In the first store the clerk said to me, before ringing up my purchases, “Will you make a donation of $1 to the following cause?” My response was “we will see!”
When she threw my new reading glasses into the bag with my canned goods all bets were off! I was not willing to donate.
The second store clerk smiled at me as I walked into her store. I asked her, “How are your husband and two children doing?” She replied, “Wonderfully well!”
She always asks how my family is doing too! She is always positive, friendly, helpful, and carefully bags my purchases. She is always dressed neatly with her hair combed. If she had asked me to donate for a worthy cause I would have.
It’s all about relationships and connecting with others. Our behavior matters!
So, what are the three things your employees should do to make your customers want to come back to your store and to even donate to your store’s worthy cause when money is really tight?
1)When your customers enter your business your employees need to smile, be respectful, be polite, be helpful, be knowledgeable, be well groomed, dress appropriately and make a good first impression so your customers want to continue being your customers.
2)Employees should treat their customers as if they are honored guests in your store. Your employees should speak to customers and their family members in a reliable and timely manner.
3)When the sale is completed your employees should carefully place the items purchased in the bag. It does not matter if it is a $2 can or a $500 glass lamp, your customers purchases should be treated carefully with respect. All customers wish to be treated with courtesy and respect in a friendly polite manner.
Remember we are there to serve our customers. First impressions are lasting impressions and can never be repeated!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Faithful Friends Are Treasures by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Think of your closest friends. How did you choose them? What characteristics do you want your friends to have?
A true friend has good character, is honest, trustworthy, gives unconditional love, and always does the right thing. Their reputation is everything to them. A true friend is someone who will lift you up when you are down and will inspire you on your journey to the best person you can be. Friends help you to reach your goals and are willing to listen when you have a problem even when they would rather not. When you win and are successful they are truly happy to celebrate with you and when you lose they have a shoulder for you to lean and cry on. That's what a real friend is. A treasure!
Throughout my life I have been truly blessed by having several good friends. My mama, Romayne Leader Frank taught me by example to have good character, to be honest, trustworthy, and to always do the right thing. Mama was my first role model, mentor, best friend and teacher. She modeled for me the right way to behave and treat others. She was the finest person I have ever known. Mama was a lawyer who helped families who had lost everything get back on their feet. Through her wise guidance she would show them how to repair their finances. She was always willing to listen and help. As a friend, wife, mother, and lawyer she cared about helping others to succeed with their goals and she was always willing to help you find your way.
My friend Jean and I have been friends for over 20 years and we have been there for each other during crises and celebrations. In 2006, I was sharing with her my research on how medical doctors were using Classical music to help patients recover from different illnesses and how Classical music was helping children to be better students in school. She suggested I share my research in a monthly article with parents, teachers, and friends. That was the beginning of "Madeline's Monthly Article and Musical Tips" in October 2006. The next year when I began a Radio Show interviewing scientists, medical doctors, and others, she suggested guests for the show. This was the beginning of "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". Friends' help you stretch your abilities to help you and others learn to grow and be better people.
Sometimes you learn the hard way who is really not your friend. Ray is a top repairman of heating and Air conditioning systems. His friend Jay asked him on his day off to fix his air conditioner. Ray's father-in-law told Ray "that he needs to lose this friend". He's right! It's time for Ray to weed out his garden.
Monty is a CPA and his good friend Abel asks him on his day off to do his taxes for him. Is Abel a true friend? Of course not! Monty needs to look for a new friend who will honor and protect him not take advantage of him. It's time for Monty to weed out his garden too!
Those of you that are familiar with Shakespeare's play "Othello" will remember the character Iago, pronounced "e-og-go. Iago pretends to be a friend to his boss Othello, the Moor. Iago did not get the promotion he expected from Othello and he is jealous of the love and happiness Othello has with his beloved wife Desdemona. Iago decides to make Othello think his wife, Desdemona, is having an affair with another man. Iago sets Desdemona up destroying her marriage to Othello by deceit and dishonesty.
All of us have an Iago, a false friend, in our lives who is jealous of our success, our happy family, our lives, our honesty and our integrity. Do not let this false friend destroy your life and that of your family.
Jay, Abel, and Iago are friends you need to weed out of your garden and find new honorable and trustworthy friends.
Dave Sheffield, the Shef, motivational speaker, author, coach, and friend said it best; know "when it is time to love them from a distance." He also said, "One thing that I like to remember is that some people are in your life for a season, and others are in your life for a reason."
So how should you choose your friends? What are the 3 characteristics of a good friend?
1) A friend is honest, trustworthy, has good character, and always does the right thing. Their reputation is everything to them. When you have a problem a friend will listen to you, even when they do not want to, and help you make the right decision. You can depend on them to steer you in the right direction.
2) A friend is someone who will lift you up when you are down and will inspire you on your journey to the best person you can be. They have a shoulder for you to lean on and cry on when needed. They will also give you a hug when you are down and when something terrible happens they will surround you, stand by you, and protect you.
3) When you are winning and are successful, your friends are truly happy for you, and celebrate with you.
Remember when you are choosing your friends make sure he or she has good character, is honest, trustworthy, always chooses to do the right thing, and is a positive person who encourages you to do the right thing to be the best person you can be.
By choosing your friends wisely, you will have faithful friends, who you will treasure for a life time!
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
A true friend has good character, is honest, trustworthy, gives unconditional love, and always does the right thing. Their reputation is everything to them. A true friend is someone who will lift you up when you are down and will inspire you on your journey to the best person you can be. Friends help you to reach your goals and are willing to listen when you have a problem even when they would rather not. When you win and are successful they are truly happy to celebrate with you and when you lose they have a shoulder for you to lean and cry on. That's what a real friend is. A treasure!
Throughout my life I have been truly blessed by having several good friends. My mama, Romayne Leader Frank taught me by example to have good character, to be honest, trustworthy, and to always do the right thing. Mama was my first role model, mentor, best friend and teacher. She modeled for me the right way to behave and treat others. She was the finest person I have ever known. Mama was a lawyer who helped families who had lost everything get back on their feet. Through her wise guidance she would show them how to repair their finances. She was always willing to listen and help. As a friend, wife, mother, and lawyer she cared about helping others to succeed with their goals and she was always willing to help you find your way.
My friend Jean and I have been friends for over 20 years and we have been there for each other during crises and celebrations. In 2006, I was sharing with her my research on how medical doctors were using Classical music to help patients recover from different illnesses and how Classical music was helping children to be better students in school. She suggested I share my research in a monthly article with parents, teachers, and friends. That was the beginning of "Madeline's Monthly Article and Musical Tips" in October 2006. The next year when I began a Radio Show interviewing scientists, medical doctors, and others, she suggested guests for the show. This was the beginning of "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". Friends' help you stretch your abilities to help you and others learn to grow and be better people.
Sometimes you learn the hard way who is really not your friend. Ray is a top repairman of heating and Air conditioning systems. His friend Jay asked him on his day off to fix his air conditioner. Ray's father-in-law told Ray "that he needs to lose this friend". He's right! It's time for Ray to weed out his garden.
Monty is a CPA and his good friend Abel asks him on his day off to do his taxes for him. Is Abel a true friend? Of course not! Monty needs to look for a new friend who will honor and protect him not take advantage of him. It's time for Monty to weed out his garden too!
Those of you that are familiar with Shakespeare's play "Othello" will remember the character Iago, pronounced "e-og-go. Iago pretends to be a friend to his boss Othello, the Moor. Iago did not get the promotion he expected from Othello and he is jealous of the love and happiness Othello has with his beloved wife Desdemona. Iago decides to make Othello think his wife, Desdemona, is having an affair with another man. Iago sets Desdemona up destroying her marriage to Othello by deceit and dishonesty.
All of us have an Iago, a false friend, in our lives who is jealous of our success, our happy family, our lives, our honesty and our integrity. Do not let this false friend destroy your life and that of your family.
Jay, Abel, and Iago are friends you need to weed out of your garden and find new honorable and trustworthy friends.
Dave Sheffield, the Shef, motivational speaker, author, coach, and friend said it best; know "when it is time to love them from a distance." He also said, "One thing that I like to remember is that some people are in your life for a season, and others are in your life for a reason."
So how should you choose your friends? What are the 3 characteristics of a good friend?
1) A friend is honest, trustworthy, has good character, and always does the right thing. Their reputation is everything to them. When you have a problem a friend will listen to you, even when they do not want to, and help you make the right decision. You can depend on them to steer you in the right direction.
2) A friend is someone who will lift you up when you are down and will inspire you on your journey to the best person you can be. They have a shoulder for you to lean on and cry on when needed. They will also give you a hug when you are down and when something terrible happens they will surround you, stand by you, and protect you.
3) When you are winning and are successful, your friends are truly happy for you, and celebrate with you.
Remember when you are choosing your friends make sure he or she has good character, is honest, trustworthy, always chooses to do the right thing, and is a positive person who encourages you to do the right thing to be the best person you can be.
By choosing your friends wisely, you will have faithful friends, who you will treasure for a life time!
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Four Generations of Team Members Working in Harmony by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
How can you, successfully run a business with your four generations of team members?
Recently I took my car to the Sears Tire Store as my front passenger tire had a slow leak in it. I had just been to the local car dealer to get an oil change and they said, "You will need a new tire which will cost you $280 plus tax, $140 for the tire and $140 for the labor. You can not patch this tire again." I left and went to Sears.
At the Sears Tire store I waited in line to speak to an associate. One associate, J, a Baby Boomer in his 50’s, was speaking to a customer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mature, around 70 years of age. When the associate looked up this customer’s record he said, “Your tires are 10 years old.”
My thinking was “he sure got his monies worth out of those tires!”
J’s customer, Mr. Mature asked, "Is the manager in?" Associate J said, "The Manager’s at a meeting."
A few minutes later the manager walked in and smiled at this customer. The manager of the store was from Generation X, around 42 years old. She spoke to Mr. Mature in a pleasant friendly manner and convinced him to purchase four new tires.
The other associate was from Generation Y/ Millennial, was in his early 20’s. He was speaking to a customer in Generation X around 44 years old.
Each associate treated their customers politely with respect and with a strong desire to help their customers. Each generation was connecting to the other generation without any problems.
When it was my turn, the Generation Y associate T, asked for my name, year of my car and my phone number and zip code. His fingers flew across the key board and he found my information within seconds. T was very computer savvy. He smiled and said, "Your tires were purchased here in 2009 and you bought a policy on them. Let’s go look at your tire and see if we can’t double patch it. AAA of Tidewater does not have this ability and neither does your car dealer."
We went outside to look at my front right tire and he said, "We can double patch it and rotate your tires." I asked, If he thought I needed to replace it as some of the tires had a very small amount of rot on them."
T said, "When tires are out in the elements it cannot be helped. This happens and your tires are still in good shape. We will patch the tire and rotate your tires. It will not cost you anything as you already purchased the warranty.”
I should add that I am a Baby Boomer, born between 1946 and 1965. I sure was glad I bought my warranty. I waited in the store lounge and read several magazines on how to manage your multi-generational work force. After reading two articles, T came in smiling and said, “Your car is ready. Take a look at the patch we removed. We double patched it and rotated your tires.”
After signing that the work was completed, T said, "If you go on line and fill out our customer satisfaction form, you will receive a reduced oil change coupon.”
I left the store and after work that night, filled out their Sears Tire customer survey form. I was really impressed how this store manager ran her store so successfully, with her multi-generational team members. Her employees were polite, respectful, friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable.
A few days after my visit to the Sears Tire Store I called and spoke to the store manager, Ms. L. I told her what a wonderful job her multi-generational team members did. "She was delighted to hear that!"
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Recently I took my car to the Sears Tire Store as my front passenger tire had a slow leak in it. I had just been to the local car dealer to get an oil change and they said, "You will need a new tire which will cost you $280 plus tax, $140 for the tire and $140 for the labor. You can not patch this tire again." I left and went to Sears.
At the Sears Tire store I waited in line to speak to an associate. One associate, J, a Baby Boomer in his 50’s, was speaking to a customer and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Mature, around 70 years of age. When the associate looked up this customer’s record he said, “Your tires are 10 years old.”
My thinking was “he sure got his monies worth out of those tires!”
J’s customer, Mr. Mature asked, "Is the manager in?" Associate J said, "The Manager’s at a meeting."
A few minutes later the manager walked in and smiled at this customer. The manager of the store was from Generation X, around 42 years old. She spoke to Mr. Mature in a pleasant friendly manner and convinced him to purchase four new tires.
The other associate was from Generation Y/ Millennial, was in his early 20’s. He was speaking to a customer in Generation X around 44 years old.
Each associate treated their customers politely with respect and with a strong desire to help their customers. Each generation was connecting to the other generation without any problems.
When it was my turn, the Generation Y associate T, asked for my name, year of my car and my phone number and zip code. His fingers flew across the key board and he found my information within seconds. T was very computer savvy. He smiled and said, "Your tires were purchased here in 2009 and you bought a policy on them. Let’s go look at your tire and see if we can’t double patch it. AAA of Tidewater does not have this ability and neither does your car dealer."
We went outside to look at my front right tire and he said, "We can double patch it and rotate your tires." I asked, If he thought I needed to replace it as some of the tires had a very small amount of rot on them."
T said, "When tires are out in the elements it cannot be helped. This happens and your tires are still in good shape. We will patch the tire and rotate your tires. It will not cost you anything as you already purchased the warranty.”
I should add that I am a Baby Boomer, born between 1946 and 1965. I sure was glad I bought my warranty. I waited in the store lounge and read several magazines on how to manage your multi-generational work force. After reading two articles, T came in smiling and said, “Your car is ready. Take a look at the patch we removed. We double patched it and rotated your tires.”
After signing that the work was completed, T said, "If you go on line and fill out our customer satisfaction form, you will receive a reduced oil change coupon.”
I left the store and after work that night, filled out their Sears Tire customer survey form. I was really impressed how this store manager ran her store so successfully, with her multi-generational team members. Her employees were polite, respectful, friendly, helpful, and knowledgeable.
A few days after my visit to the Sears Tire Store I called and spoke to the store manager, Ms. L. I told her what a wonderful job her multi-generational team members did. "She was delighted to hear that!"
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Fourth Part of the Series: Dealing with Multi Generations in the Workplace by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
The fourth generation of workers in the workplace are Generation Y/ Millennial. They were born between 1982 and 2000 and are ages 18-35. They grew up with technology and want work to be a fun place to be. They are goal oriented and want to do meaningful work that is important to the company they are working for. Some may think that Generation Y seems like the spoiled and entitled generation, but that’s not true. They need to be supervised and motivated in a structured and stable environment with immediate feedback and praise. They want to work in a fun environment.
Generation Y may have held as many as 10 jobs. Don’t let that disturb you. Many of these companies have gone under. Generation Y are looking to find a job that fits their talents and needs. They want to have meaningful work. This generation is good at multitasking.
If another company is offering them an extra 50 cents an hour they will want to change jobs for the extra money. Show them the benefits of staying with your company and how they can grow and learn new skills to advance in your company. Offer them educational opportunities to improve their skills.
Many businesses have hired Generation Y employees and have on their first day of work trained them on how they want them to dress, serve their customers, and taught them about the safety equipment at their businesses.
Feedback and Praise:
Generation Y needs supervision and immediate feedback and praise. It’s important to impose stability and structure to reassure and motivate this generation to work as a team. They are eager to be motivated and involved and make a difference in your company. Communicate with them by text, e-mail, or voice mail.
The Power of First Impressions on Generation Y’s First Day of Work:
A friend of mine’s son in Generation Y became an electrical apprentice when he was 19. On his first day of employment, the minute he arrived for work, his electrical employer handed him a company shirt, hard hat, safety glasses and other equipment. His employer immediately modeled for him how to wear his clothes and use his safety equipment to protect himself and the building he would be working in. Each of the new employees/team members were taught on their first day, the minute they arrived, what the rules were, how to dress , and how to use their safety equipment.
At a local Brazilian Steak House the management trains its Generation Y staff and servers for a month on how they are to dress, treat and serve their customers. Also each team member is taught how to safely use all the equipment in the restaurant to keep themselves and their customers safe. Once they begin working in the restaurant they are tested daily as each table of guests are handed a computer with a short survey on how well the servers and staff members handled their meal.
Remember Generation Y needs to be supervised and motivated in a structured and stable environment. They also need immediate feedback and praise. They want to do meaningful and important work to make a difference in your company. Send them to courses to help them work smarter, faster, and improve their knowledge. They want to work in a fun environment.
Don't we all wish to work in a fun and pleasant environment?
Tune in next Thursday for a true story on how these 4 generations work together as a team at a business with their four generations of customers.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Generation Y may have held as many as 10 jobs. Don’t let that disturb you. Many of these companies have gone under. Generation Y are looking to find a job that fits their talents and needs. They want to have meaningful work. This generation is good at multitasking.
If another company is offering them an extra 50 cents an hour they will want to change jobs for the extra money. Show them the benefits of staying with your company and how they can grow and learn new skills to advance in your company. Offer them educational opportunities to improve their skills.
Many businesses have hired Generation Y employees and have on their first day of work trained them on how they want them to dress, serve their customers, and taught them about the safety equipment at their businesses.
Feedback and Praise:
Generation Y needs supervision and immediate feedback and praise. It’s important to impose stability and structure to reassure and motivate this generation to work as a team. They are eager to be motivated and involved and make a difference in your company. Communicate with them by text, e-mail, or voice mail.
The Power of First Impressions on Generation Y’s First Day of Work:
A friend of mine’s son in Generation Y became an electrical apprentice when he was 19. On his first day of employment, the minute he arrived for work, his electrical employer handed him a company shirt, hard hat, safety glasses and other equipment. His employer immediately modeled for him how to wear his clothes and use his safety equipment to protect himself and the building he would be working in. Each of the new employees/team members were taught on their first day, the minute they arrived, what the rules were, how to dress , and how to use their safety equipment.
At a local Brazilian Steak House the management trains its Generation Y staff and servers for a month on how they are to dress, treat and serve their customers. Also each team member is taught how to safely use all the equipment in the restaurant to keep themselves and their customers safe. Once they begin working in the restaurant they are tested daily as each table of guests are handed a computer with a short survey on how well the servers and staff members handled their meal.
Remember Generation Y needs to be supervised and motivated in a structured and stable environment. They also need immediate feedback and praise. They want to do meaningful and important work to make a difference in your company. Send them to courses to help them work smarter, faster, and improve their knowledge. They want to work in a fun environment.
Don't we all wish to work in a fun and pleasant environment?
Tune in next Thursday for a true story on how these 4 generations work together as a team at a business with their four generations of customers.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Generation X in the Workplace by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Generation X, the latch key kids are used to working independently. They are 36 to 47 years old and were born between 1965 and 1981.
Many of their parents were divorced with 2 family incomes as both parents worked. These kids were used to coming home and doing their homework on their own and doing their chores without being told to do them.
Generation X wants a work life balance. This generation is willing to work hard and wants to work for a successful marriage that eluded their parents. These are independent folks with families they want to spend time with and they appreciate money as they are buying homes. They also want to have fun at their work place. They are good with computers, cell phones and technology.
Feedback and Rewards:
They want immediate direct feedback so if something is wrong they can fix it immediately. They are hard workers who do not need to be supervised.
Generation X wants to continue learning and growing so remember to send them to courses to help them work smarter and improve their knowledge.
Tune in next Thursday for the fourth part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Many of their parents were divorced with 2 family incomes as both parents worked. These kids were used to coming home and doing their homework on their own and doing their chores without being told to do them.
Generation X wants a work life balance. This generation is willing to work hard and wants to work for a successful marriage that eluded their parents. These are independent folks with families they want to spend time with and they appreciate money as they are buying homes. They also want to have fun at their work place. They are good with computers, cell phones and technology.
Feedback and Rewards:
They want immediate direct feedback so if something is wrong they can fix it immediately. They are hard workers who do not need to be supervised.
Generation X wants to continue learning and growing so remember to send them to courses to help them work smarter and improve their knowledge.
Tune in next Thursday for the fourth part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, May 2, 2013
What about those Baby Boomers in the Workplace? by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Baby Boomers are the workaholic generation. They are used to spending long hours at work for their careers. They were born between 1946 and 1965 and are 47 to 66 years old. They were raised by their parents to work hard so they could earn the American Dream. Baby Boomers grew up during the Civil Rights movement, President Kennedy’s assassination, and the Vietnam War.
Rewards and Feed Back:
Baby Boomers want their feedback in person and like written performance documents to support their work. They want to be rated and have it in writing. Baby Boomers want to be rewarded with money. They have loans and credit cards to pay off. If your company does not have the money then give them a promotion with a title and recognize them in a ceremony in front of the other employees.
Baby Boomers want to continue learning and growing so remember to continue sending them to courses to help them work smarter and help them continue to work and grow. Because of the present economic times Baby Boomers are not retiring.
Tune in next Thursday for the third part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Rewards and Feed Back:
Baby Boomers want their feedback in person and like written performance documents to support their work. They want to be rated and have it in writing. Baby Boomers want to be rewarded with money. They have loans and credit cards to pay off. If your company does not have the money then give them a promotion with a title and recognize them in a ceremony in front of the other employees.
Baby Boomers want to continue learning and growing so remember to continue sending them to courses to help them work smarter and help them continue to work and grow. Because of the present economic times Baby Boomers are not retiring.
Tune in next Thursday for the third part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, April 25, 2013
The Mature Generation in the Workplace by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
The Mature /WWII Generation are 67 years or older and were born before 1946. They are dedicated to their jobs. They respect authority, are conformists, honor rules, and believe work is an obligation. This generation places a high value on job security. They have a great deal of knowledge and expertise and do quality work. Their parents survived the 1929 Great Depression, WWII, and Korean War.
Rewards and Feed Back:
The Mature Generation values receiving memos that are hand written. As an employer you should give them as incentives awards, plaques, and money. This generation wants to continue learning and growing so remember to continue sending them to courses to help them work smarter to save time. Because of the present economic times they are not retiring.
Tune in next Thursday for the second part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Rewards and Feed Back:
The Mature Generation values receiving memos that are hand written. As an employer you should give them as incentives awards, plaques, and money. This generation wants to continue learning and growing so remember to continue sending them to courses to help them work smarter to save time. Because of the present economic times they are not retiring.
Tune in next Thursday for the second part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in the work place. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Dealing With Multi -Generations in the Workplace by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
What are these four diverse generations like? The Mature Generation/WWII believes work is an obligation. Baby Boomers are the workaholics. Generation X are latch key kids who are independent. Generation Y/ Millennial are the spoiled and entitled.
Tune in next Thursday for the first part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in your multi-generational workplace. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Tune in next Thursday for the first part of this four part series on how each generation is motivated, rewarded, and connects in your business.
Write and share your experiences in your multi-generational workplace. What would you like to see happen at your company?
Sunday, March 24, 2013
Are You Broke and Tired of it? by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Do you wish you had an Emergency Nest Egg Fund of $1000 to pay for your unexpected emergencies like having to rush to the hospital for emergency surgery or your car needs a new carbonator to get you to work? Would you be able to pay for these unexpected expenses?
By now you are saying to yourself, how do I get my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund set up? What’s my first step? Gabby and Jay are going to tell us how they did it! For one week Gabby and Jay tracked every receipt and purchase they made including the ones for their computers. They kept all their receipts and expenses and wrote them down in a note book. They included every purchase they made even small purchases for sodas, snacks, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, groceries, going to the movies, purchasing snacks, gas for their cars, cigarettes, and any other items they purchased that week. Jay and Gabby also wrote down their weekly spending for pay pal accounts, group on offers, credit cards, game accounts and iTunes accounts on their computers.
Gabby saved all her receipts for one week and totaled all her receipts. She looked at her first couple of receipts and realized she had gone to Star Bucks with her friends 5 times that week spending $4 a day for Coffee, a total of $20 for the week. She decided to go to Star Bucks with her friends three times the next week, and invites her friends to share coffee at her house two days a week, and puts the $8 she saved into her Piggy Bank to start her $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. In a months’ time Gabby realizes she will save $32 and in 6 months she will save $192 towards her $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund.
Gabby continues looking at her receipts and realizes she bought 3 packs of cigarettes a week at $5.50 a package, $16.50 a week. Gabby says, “I spent $66 a month on cigarettes. If I cut down my smoking to a pack a week I can put $11 into my “Piggy Bank” for my Emergency Nest Egg Fund each week and in a month’s time I will have saved a total of $44 in my “Piggy Bank” toward my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. In 6 months I will have saved $264 toward my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund."
Gabby says, “If I continue to go through my receipts and eliminate the items I don’t need or cut down other expenses I will have my Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place in less than 6 months. By cutting back on Cigarettes and coffee I’ve already saved $76 this month. I will go through my receipts and look at what else I can eliminate or cut down on. My goal is to have my Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place in 6 months. I am determined to do it!”
Jay has saved all his receipts for one week and totaled all his receipts. He looks at his first set of receipts and realizes he has 5 days of lunches at $8 a lunch for five days and he’s spent $40 on lunches this week. He says, “If I bring a bag lunch to work three days a week, I can save $24to put in my “Tin Can” to start my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. In a month’s time I will have saved $96.”
Jay then goes to his computer receipts and realizes he’s spend $45 a week on his computer for his Pay pal accounts, groupon offers, credit cards, game accounts and his iTunes account. He says, “Do I really need these accounts, are they going to help me get my Emergency Nest Egg Fund up and running? These purchases are bleeding away my hard earned money. I’m going to close these accounts. That way I can put $180 a month into my “Tin Can” to save for my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. I will go through my receipts and look at what else I can eliminate or cut down on. My goal is to have my Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place in 6 months. I know I can do it!”
So, what are the three steps for you to save for your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund just like Jay and Gabby?
1)Track your spending for one week. Keep all your receipts and expenses for the week, writing them down in a note book, and at the end of the week add them together to get your total expenses for the week. Include every purchase you make even small purchases for sodas, snacks, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, groceries, going to the movies, purchasing snacks, gas for your car, cigarettes, and any other items you purchased that week. Also list your weekly spending for pay pal accounts, group on offers, credit cards, game accounts and iTunes accounts on your computer.
2)Evaluate each of your receipts, just like Gabby and Jay did, and decide if it is a needed expense or not and start putting your saved money into your Emergency Nest Egg Fund “Piggy Bank or Tin Bank”.
3)Look at your computer receipts like Jay did and decide if your weekly pay pal accounts, group on offers, credit cards, game accounts, and iTunes accounts on your computer can be eliminated or cut back. Jay turned off his pay pal account, his groupon offers, his game accounts, his iTunes account and stopped spending his credit card money on things he didn’t need. Jay said, “These purchases are bleeding away my hard earned money.”
By following these three steps and being determined and disciplined to do it, you will be like Gabby and Jay, able to set up your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. You can also save on gas for your car each week by being aware of which gas station has a special day for saving 5cents for each gallon you purchase. In our City it’s every Thursday. What day is it in your City or town? Every penny you save can go into your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. The sooner you start the sooner you will have your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
By now you are saying to yourself, how do I get my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund set up? What’s my first step? Gabby and Jay are going to tell us how they did it! For one week Gabby and Jay tracked every receipt and purchase they made including the ones for their computers. They kept all their receipts and expenses and wrote them down in a note book. They included every purchase they made even small purchases for sodas, snacks, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, groceries, going to the movies, purchasing snacks, gas for their cars, cigarettes, and any other items they purchased that week. Jay and Gabby also wrote down their weekly spending for pay pal accounts, group on offers, credit cards, game accounts and iTunes accounts on their computers.
Gabby saved all her receipts for one week and totaled all her receipts. She looked at her first couple of receipts and realized she had gone to Star Bucks with her friends 5 times that week spending $4 a day for Coffee, a total of $20 for the week. She decided to go to Star Bucks with her friends three times the next week, and invites her friends to share coffee at her house two days a week, and puts the $8 she saved into her Piggy Bank to start her $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. In a months’ time Gabby realizes she will save $32 and in 6 months she will save $192 towards her $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund.
Gabby continues looking at her receipts and realizes she bought 3 packs of cigarettes a week at $5.50 a package, $16.50 a week. Gabby says, “I spent $66 a month on cigarettes. If I cut down my smoking to a pack a week I can put $11 into my “Piggy Bank” for my Emergency Nest Egg Fund each week and in a month’s time I will have saved a total of $44 in my “Piggy Bank” toward my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. In 6 months I will have saved $264 toward my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund."
Gabby says, “If I continue to go through my receipts and eliminate the items I don’t need or cut down other expenses I will have my Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place in less than 6 months. By cutting back on Cigarettes and coffee I’ve already saved $76 this month. I will go through my receipts and look at what else I can eliminate or cut down on. My goal is to have my Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place in 6 months. I am determined to do it!”
Jay has saved all his receipts for one week and totaled all his receipts. He looks at his first set of receipts and realizes he has 5 days of lunches at $8 a lunch for five days and he’s spent $40 on lunches this week. He says, “If I bring a bag lunch to work three days a week, I can save $24to put in my “Tin Can” to start my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. In a month’s time I will have saved $96.”
Jay then goes to his computer receipts and realizes he’s spend $45 a week on his computer for his Pay pal accounts, groupon offers, credit cards, game accounts and his iTunes account. He says, “Do I really need these accounts, are they going to help me get my Emergency Nest Egg Fund up and running? These purchases are bleeding away my hard earned money. I’m going to close these accounts. That way I can put $180 a month into my “Tin Can” to save for my $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. I will go through my receipts and look at what else I can eliminate or cut down on. My goal is to have my Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place in 6 months. I know I can do it!”
So, what are the three steps for you to save for your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund just like Jay and Gabby?
1)Track your spending for one week. Keep all your receipts and expenses for the week, writing them down in a note book, and at the end of the week add them together to get your total expenses for the week. Include every purchase you make even small purchases for sodas, snacks, lunches, dinners, breakfasts, groceries, going to the movies, purchasing snacks, gas for your car, cigarettes, and any other items you purchased that week. Also list your weekly spending for pay pal accounts, group on offers, credit cards, game accounts and iTunes accounts on your computer.
2)Evaluate each of your receipts, just like Gabby and Jay did, and decide if it is a needed expense or not and start putting your saved money into your Emergency Nest Egg Fund “Piggy Bank or Tin Bank”.
3)Look at your computer receipts like Jay did and decide if your weekly pay pal accounts, group on offers, credit cards, game accounts, and iTunes accounts on your computer can be eliminated or cut back. Jay turned off his pay pal account, his groupon offers, his game accounts, his iTunes account and stopped spending his credit card money on things he didn’t need. Jay said, “These purchases are bleeding away my hard earned money.”
By following these three steps and being determined and disciplined to do it, you will be like Gabby and Jay, able to set up your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. You can also save on gas for your car each week by being aware of which gas station has a special day for saving 5cents for each gallon you purchase. In our City it’s every Thursday. What day is it in your City or town? Every penny you save can go into your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund. The sooner you start the sooner you will have your $1000 Emergency Nest Egg Fund in place.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, February 14, 2013
5 Key Ingredients to Creating a Memorable Speech or Presentation by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
How should you begin your speech or presentation? How about asking a question and then telling a story? What do you think is the most important part of any speech or presentation?
President Abraham Lincoln was known as an eloquent and masterful speaker. During the Civil War, President Lincoln would attend Wednesday night prayer services at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church not far from the White House with a companion. Reverend Dr. Phineas Gurley, the preacher, invited President Lincoln “to sit in his study with the door open” to hear the sermon assuring the President’s privacy.
When the service was over President Lincoln’s companion asked, “What did you think of tonight’s sermon?”
President Lincoln replied, “Well, it was brilliantly conceived, biblical, relevant, and well presented.”
“So it was a great sermon?”
President Lincoln, “No, it failed. It failed because Dr. Gurley did not ask us to do something great.”
President Lincoln was saying every speech should have a “Call to Action” for the audience to do something. It is not enough for an audience to be inspired. The audience must be motivated to take action. President Lincoln felt the most important part of any speech was for the audience to be motivated to take action after having heard the speech.
Bill Gove, “the legendary father of professional speaking” said, “Your audience will remember your stories long after they forget the content of your speech. Tell a story and make a point…and then tell them another story and make another point.”
The true story of President Lincoln attending prayer services on Wednesday night is a story all of us will remember and his reminder that every speech should have a call to action is something we will not forget. It follows Bill Gove’s important speaking tip “tell a story and make a point.”
The words you choose for your speech must be spoken with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity. We will never forget the following words of Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never, never give up.”
He spoke these words during the darkest days of WWII while visiting the Harrow School. By choosing the right words he rallied the British people around him to fight against the enemy that wished to take over Great Britain. He empowered his countrymen and women to take action and fight to protect their country.
Patrick Henry said the following words 237 years ago: “Give me liberty or give me death.” He spoke these words with clarity and conviction and these words motivated his audience to take action.
President Ronald Reagan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”. By choosing the right words President Regan motivated his audience to take action.
So, what are the 5 key ingredients to creating a memorable speech or presentation?
1) Speak with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity.
2) Inspire your audience by telling true stories.
3) Choose the right words.
4) As Bill Gove said, “Make your point after telling a story”.
5) At the end of your speech have a “Call to Action”. Remember what President Abraham Lincoln said, “Dr. Gurley did not ask us to do something great.”
By remembering to use these 5 key ingredients in your speech or presentation you will write a masterpiece and your words will inspire others to take action.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
President Abraham Lincoln was known as an eloquent and masterful speaker. During the Civil War, President Lincoln would attend Wednesday night prayer services at the New York Avenue Presbyterian Church not far from the White House with a companion. Reverend Dr. Phineas Gurley, the preacher, invited President Lincoln “to sit in his study with the door open” to hear the sermon assuring the President’s privacy.
When the service was over President Lincoln’s companion asked, “What did you think of tonight’s sermon?”
President Lincoln replied, “Well, it was brilliantly conceived, biblical, relevant, and well presented.”
“So it was a great sermon?”
President Lincoln, “No, it failed. It failed because Dr. Gurley did not ask us to do something great.”
President Lincoln was saying every speech should have a “Call to Action” for the audience to do something. It is not enough for an audience to be inspired. The audience must be motivated to take action. President Lincoln felt the most important part of any speech was for the audience to be motivated to take action after having heard the speech.
Bill Gove, “the legendary father of professional speaking” said, “Your audience will remember your stories long after they forget the content of your speech. Tell a story and make a point…and then tell them another story and make another point.”
The true story of President Lincoln attending prayer services on Wednesday night is a story all of us will remember and his reminder that every speech should have a call to action is something we will not forget. It follows Bill Gove’s important speaking tip “tell a story and make a point.”
The words you choose for your speech must be spoken with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity. We will never forget the following words of Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “Never, never, never, never give up.”
He spoke these words during the darkest days of WWII while visiting the Harrow School. By choosing the right words he rallied the British people around him to fight against the enemy that wished to take over Great Britain. He empowered his countrymen and women to take action and fight to protect their country.
Patrick Henry said the following words 237 years ago: “Give me liberty or give me death.” He spoke these words with clarity and conviction and these words motivated his audience to take action.
President Ronald Reagan said, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”. By choosing the right words President Regan motivated his audience to take action.
So, what are the 5 key ingredients to creating a memorable speech or presentation?
1) Speak with passion, conviction, enthusiasm, and clarity.
2) Inspire your audience by telling true stories.
3) Choose the right words.
4) As Bill Gove said, “Make your point after telling a story”.
5) At the end of your speech have a “Call to Action”. Remember what President Abraham Lincoln said, “Dr. Gurley did not ask us to do something great.”
By remembering to use these 5 key ingredients in your speech or presentation you will write a masterpiece and your words will inspire others to take action.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Saturday, January 26, 2013
“Leadership Lessons from a Dollar Bill” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Why Washington, D.C. needs George Washington. How did George Washington find his experts in times of trouble?
If you needed a root canal would you get someone who specialized in root canals or someone who bought the biggest ad? Of course you would hire the best expert at doing root canals.
George Washington was unanimously elected by the Electoral College on February 4, 1789 to be the first President of the Country. Did you know that at the time of his election the United States was bankrupt?
George Washington was sworn in as the First President on April 30, 1789 in New York’s Federal Hall at the age of 57. In the book, “The American President” written in 1999 by the Kunhardts it stated that President George Washington’s “reputation was everything to him and he protected that reputation at any cost.”
President Washington called his “First Cabinet”, his “First Characters”. He chose experts in their chosen fields with “the greatest reputation” for character. He chose men for his “First Characters” for the traits of honesty, and integrity.
President George Washington said, “My political conduct and nominations must be exceedingly circumspect. No slip into partiality will pass unnoticed. By having Mr. Jefferson as the head of the Department of State, Mr. Jay of the Judiciary, Hamilton of the Treasury, and Knox of that of War, I feel myself supported extremely well.”
Washington did not select family members, friends, or people in the same social circles as he was, or the wealthy. He chose honorable men who were experts in their field and had the “greatest Reputation” and character.
What are the four things you can do be a leader like President George Washington?
1) Be a leader who has an excellent reputation for good character, the courage of their convictions, the honor, integrity, and morality that includes a code of ethics and a clear and decisive passionate belief in the right way to conduct business or run your country.
2) As the leader of your country, organization or business surrounds yourself with a "Brain Trust", competent people of excellent reputation and character who know your business and markets, are of like mind, and have a strong firm intellectual capacity to help you accomplish your goals.
3) Go around the table and listen to your experts carefully. Then make informed decisions.
4) Once the Leader of the country, business, or organization CEO knows all the problems to be faced and has studied them from every angle, the Leader needs to have a vision, a plan of action with the goal to be accomplished. Leaders need to have a strong belief in service to others.
George Washington is more than the face of a one dollar bill. He solved the first bankruptcy of the United States by hiring an expert Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton.
As a fan of history Washington, D.C. needs George Washington’s expertise. Make George Washington’s leadership lessons apart of your life. Choose wisely in selecting your experts to run your businesses. Do not go for the big ads go for the experts who believe as George Washington did that “his reputation was everything” and that he would protect it “at any cost”. Like George Washington hire experts who have character, who have integrity and honesty and believe that their “reputations are everything to them”.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
If you needed a root canal would you get someone who specialized in root canals or someone who bought the biggest ad? Of course you would hire the best expert at doing root canals.
George Washington was unanimously elected by the Electoral College on February 4, 1789 to be the first President of the Country. Did you know that at the time of his election the United States was bankrupt?
George Washington was sworn in as the First President on April 30, 1789 in New York’s Federal Hall at the age of 57. In the book, “The American President” written in 1999 by the Kunhardts it stated that President George Washington’s “reputation was everything to him and he protected that reputation at any cost.”
President Washington called his “First Cabinet”, his “First Characters”. He chose experts in their chosen fields with “the greatest reputation” for character. He chose men for his “First Characters” for the traits of honesty, and integrity.
President George Washington said, “My political conduct and nominations must be exceedingly circumspect. No slip into partiality will pass unnoticed. By having Mr. Jefferson as the head of the Department of State, Mr. Jay of the Judiciary, Hamilton of the Treasury, and Knox of that of War, I feel myself supported extremely well.”
Washington did not select family members, friends, or people in the same social circles as he was, or the wealthy. He chose honorable men who were experts in their field and had the “greatest Reputation” and character.
What are the four things you can do be a leader like President George Washington?
1) Be a leader who has an excellent reputation for good character, the courage of their convictions, the honor, integrity, and morality that includes a code of ethics and a clear and decisive passionate belief in the right way to conduct business or run your country.
2) As the leader of your country, organization or business surrounds yourself with a "Brain Trust", competent people of excellent reputation and character who know your business and markets, are of like mind, and have a strong firm intellectual capacity to help you accomplish your goals.
3) Go around the table and listen to your experts carefully. Then make informed decisions.
4) Once the Leader of the country, business, or organization CEO knows all the problems to be faced and has studied them from every angle, the Leader needs to have a vision, a plan of action with the goal to be accomplished. Leaders need to have a strong belief in service to others.
George Washington is more than the face of a one dollar bill. He solved the first bankruptcy of the United States by hiring an expert Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton.
As a fan of history Washington, D.C. needs George Washington’s expertise. Make George Washington’s leadership lessons apart of your life. Choose wisely in selecting your experts to run your businesses. Do not go for the big ads go for the experts who believe as George Washington did that “his reputation was everything” and that he would protect it “at any cost”. Like George Washington hire experts who have character, who have integrity and honesty and believe that their “reputations are everything to them”.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
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- Madeline
- Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".