Where can you go for a $5 vacation for an hour of relaxation? Do you ever need to blow off steam after work?
Picture this: It is a beautiful sunny day and the temperature outside is 70 degrees. You and I have just arrived by car with our hats, sun tan lotion, and sun glasses at the local Golf Range on Mercury Blvd in Hampton, Virginia.
We travel up the steps with our golf club and purchase a bucket of 70 golf balls for $5. Then we pick a spot on the beautiful grassy green field and see in front of us a sign for 50 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards, 200 yards and 250 yards.
You and I are now standing in position holding our golf clubs. We each put our golf ball on the tee and picture, on the golf ball, the person who has given us the hardest time today. You and I are in position to swing and drive that golf ball as far as we can out into the field letting our frustrations flow out into the field.
The object is to hit that golf ball as far as you possibly can 50 yards, 100 yards, 150 yards, 200 yards, etc. Each time you hit the golf ball you will release more frustration out into the field.
After your first swing you feel the weight of the world beginning to lift off of your shoulders. With each swing you take, you feel a little bit better. Each swing can represent as many or as few people as you would like. You can have a whole cast of characters that way you have a full healthy psychological outcome by the end of the hour.
We get ready to take our second swing. You and I are each picturing another person on our golf ball that has raised our frustration level today. We swing our golf club and hit the ball all the way out in the field leaving our frustrations out by the 100 yard marker. This second swing removes more of the weight of the world from our shoulders and removes more frustration from our body. We even begin to smile!
We get ready to take our third swing and picture another person on our golf ball who has made it a difficult and frustrating day. We swing our golf club and hit the ball even further into the field. Each time we hit the golf ball we leave more and more of our frustrations out into the field removing more of these frustrations from our body.
By the time you and I have hit our 70th golf ball we are feeling relaxed and ready for another day. Out in the field we have left all of our frustrations and we feel lighter and happier!
We all have frustrations and need “Mini” vacations. So, the next time you are seeing smoke and you are feeling frustrated and angry, drive on down to a driving range near you and have your mini vacation for $5. After an hour you too, will feel rested and relaxed once again.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Are You Wearing Blinders for This Election? by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
Will you open your eyes to the dangers around you for your family, friends, and co-workers before the election? History has taught us that history does repeat itself!
President Ronald Regan said, "Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction." Do you think America can continue on its current path with runaway spending, big government, no accountability, high unemployment (23 million unemployed), taxpayers money going overseas to benefit our enemies, and leaving our Ambassadors and our citizens unprotected? A President protects, defends and builds up his or her country. They do not destroy it and make speeches against their countries interests! A President has honor and integrity and keeps all his or her promises.
Leading up to WW11 only one man, Winston Churchill, saw the danger and the warning signs emanating from Adolph Hitler and Germany to his country, Great Britain. Everyone else was wearing blinders. Prime Minister Winston Churchill stayed strong for his country! He realized what was happening in the world and made his country men and women take off their blinders as to what was happening in their country. When he said, "Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy, "he meant it! When Prime Minister Winston Churchill made a promise to his country he would keep it!
Prime Minister Churchill opened his countries eyes and the eyes of the people of the United States as to what was happening around them! Without the great Winston Churchill both countries would have been lost!
Leaders of a country or organization build and defend their countries and businesses they do not destroy them!
In 1979, newly elected Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher set to work repairing Great Britain's bankrupt economy and rising unemployment by privatizing all nationalized industries and public housing which were sold to its tenants. Prime Minister Thatcher sold all these industries at favorable terms to promote private enterprise. Her aim was to reduce government power and promote the rights of individuals who would be property owners and pay a mortgage on their new properties.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said at the time, "Unless we change our ways and our direction. Our greatness as a nation will soon be a footnote in the history books, a distant memory of an offshore island, lost in the mist like Camelot, remembered for its noble past."
This quote is a timely reminder! We must protect and defend America by voting a new President in who will defend, protect, and build America back up to its greatness!
On the first Tuesday in November all American citizens will be voting for President of the United States. This is a decision is of paramount importance to the future of our American way of life. Take off your blinders and think very carefully before you vote! Vote for a leader who is honest and truthful, has family values, keeps his promises, will protect your country and its citizens interests and believes in developing businesses in America to put our citizens back to work to keep our dreams of America alive.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
President Ronald Regan said, "Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction." Do you think America can continue on its current path with runaway spending, big government, no accountability, high unemployment (23 million unemployed), taxpayers money going overseas to benefit our enemies, and leaving our Ambassadors and our citizens unprotected? A President protects, defends and builds up his or her country. They do not destroy it and make speeches against their countries interests! A President has honor and integrity and keeps all his or her promises.
Leading up to WW11 only one man, Winston Churchill, saw the danger and the warning signs emanating from Adolph Hitler and Germany to his country, Great Britain. Everyone else was wearing blinders. Prime Minister Winston Churchill stayed strong for his country! He realized what was happening in the world and made his country men and women take off their blinders as to what was happening in their country. When he said, "Never, never, never, never--in nothing, great or small, large or petty--never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy, "he meant it! When Prime Minister Winston Churchill made a promise to his country he would keep it!
Prime Minister Churchill opened his countries eyes and the eyes of the people of the United States as to what was happening around them! Without the great Winston Churchill both countries would have been lost!
Leaders of a country or organization build and defend their countries and businesses they do not destroy them!
In 1979, newly elected Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher set to work repairing Great Britain's bankrupt economy and rising unemployment by privatizing all nationalized industries and public housing which were sold to its tenants. Prime Minister Thatcher sold all these industries at favorable terms to promote private enterprise. Her aim was to reduce government power and promote the rights of individuals who would be property owners and pay a mortgage on their new properties.
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said at the time, "Unless we change our ways and our direction. Our greatness as a nation will soon be a footnote in the history books, a distant memory of an offshore island, lost in the mist like Camelot, remembered for its noble past."
This quote is a timely reminder! We must protect and defend America by voting a new President in who will defend, protect, and build America back up to its greatness!
On the first Tuesday in November all American citizens will be voting for President of the United States. This is a decision is of paramount importance to the future of our American way of life. Take off your blinders and think very carefully before you vote! Vote for a leader who is honest and truthful, has family values, keeps his promises, will protect your country and its citizens interests and believes in developing businesses in America to put our citizens back to work to keep our dreams of America alive.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, October 4, 2012
“A Customers Dream a Salesman’s Heart: The Salesman who shared his love of cars with his customers” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
As a salesperson what is the most important thing you can do for your perspective customer? Listen to your prospective customer. What problem do they need to solve?
I’m going to tell you about the greatest salesman I know. His name is William “Bill” Carwile. What was so special about Bill? He had a burning passion about his products. He knew his products inside out because he took the time to prepare and study them. If he made you a promise he would keep it. His word was his bond.
You liked Bill Carwile as a trusted friend, and you believed him. As Jeffry Gitamer would say, “He was your trusted adviser.”
How did I meet Bill? For the third time in two weeks my 17 year old car decided to stop on the road going home from work. I had replaced the battery, the alternator, the regulator and a few more parts and I had had enough. Tidewater AAA Service had told me this was my last time to be towed and they would no longer help me. Three strikes and you are out!
Several of my friends and my father, Dr. Robert J. Frank, mentioned buying a car from Bill at the Chrysler/Plymouth dealer. They were all happy with their purchases and considered Bill Carwile their friend and trusted adviser. They liked, trusted, and respected him. My husband and I made an appointment with him for the next day.
Bill smiled at me and asked me what I was looking for in a new car? I told him I wanted something reliable that would be a good safe vehicle to drive in with my family and for traveling to and from work each day. We also told him the price we had in mind to pay for the new car. He showed us 2 or 3 vans , the safety features each had, the engine, the miles per gallon on the high way and roadways, and what the best deal he could give would be. We finally kept coming back to an oversized van, the Grand Voyager. I was not sure I could drive anything that large.
He asked if he could check out my license and insurance. I handed them to him to check them out. Bill then said to me “Try out the van for the weekend and see how you like it.” He handed me the keys. I drove the vehicle home that day. It was a comfortable vehicle and did not seem so large to drive and park. The next day I brought it back and purchased it from Bill Carwile. Over the years we bought many cars and vans from Bill and we also recommended him to all our friends and family members who bought cars from him. Bill has become a close friend over the years and we respected and trusted him as a trusted adviser for all our car needs. He always had a passion for cars and other vehicles and studied them.
As customers and friends we enjoyed buying our vehicles from Bill Carwile for four reasons.
1) We immediately liked him and trusted him and he always had a positive attitude.
2) Bill listened to what we wanted and needed in a car, truck , or van and then told us the benefits of each vehicle he thought we would like in our price range. He had the solution to our problem.
3) Bill had such a passion and knowledge of cars, trucks, and vans that he shared with his customers and friends. He knew everything about these vehicles and when he made a promise he would keep it!
William “Bill” Carwile passed away on September 8, 2011. His family , his friends, and his customers were blessed to have known such a wonderful caring person who shared his passion for automobiles with them all these years.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget". If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
I’m going to tell you about the greatest salesman I know. His name is William “Bill” Carwile. What was so special about Bill? He had a burning passion about his products. He knew his products inside out because he took the time to prepare and study them. If he made you a promise he would keep it. His word was his bond.
You liked Bill Carwile as a trusted friend, and you believed him. As Jeffry Gitamer would say, “He was your trusted adviser.”
How did I meet Bill? For the third time in two weeks my 17 year old car decided to stop on the road going home from work. I had replaced the battery, the alternator, the regulator and a few more parts and I had had enough. Tidewater AAA Service had told me this was my last time to be towed and they would no longer help me. Three strikes and you are out!
Several of my friends and my father, Dr. Robert J. Frank, mentioned buying a car from Bill at the Chrysler/Plymouth dealer. They were all happy with their purchases and considered Bill Carwile their friend and trusted adviser. They liked, trusted, and respected him. My husband and I made an appointment with him for the next day.
Bill smiled at me and asked me what I was looking for in a new car? I told him I wanted something reliable that would be a good safe vehicle to drive in with my family and for traveling to and from work each day. We also told him the price we had in mind to pay for the new car. He showed us 2 or 3 vans , the safety features each had, the engine, the miles per gallon on the high way and roadways, and what the best deal he could give would be. We finally kept coming back to an oversized van, the Grand Voyager. I was not sure I could drive anything that large.
He asked if he could check out my license and insurance. I handed them to him to check them out. Bill then said to me “Try out the van for the weekend and see how you like it.” He handed me the keys. I drove the vehicle home that day. It was a comfortable vehicle and did not seem so large to drive and park. The next day I brought it back and purchased it from Bill Carwile. Over the years we bought many cars and vans from Bill and we also recommended him to all our friends and family members who bought cars from him. Bill has become a close friend over the years and we respected and trusted him as a trusted adviser for all our car needs. He always had a passion for cars and other vehicles and studied them.
As customers and friends we enjoyed buying our vehicles from Bill Carwile for four reasons.
1) We immediately liked him and trusted him and he always had a positive attitude.
2) Bill listened to what we wanted and needed in a car, truck , or van and then told us the benefits of each vehicle he thought we would like in our price range. He had the solution to our problem.
3) Bill had such a passion and knowledge of cars, trucks, and vans that he shared with his customers and friends. He knew everything about these vehicles and when he made a promise he would keep it!
William “Bill” Carwile passed away on September 8, 2011. His family , his friends, and his customers were blessed to have known such a wonderful caring person who shared his passion for automobiles with them all these years.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget". If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Friday, August 10, 2012
“Are your finances a mess? Budget for Success.” by Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
You have overdrawn your bank account for the third time. Your rent check has bounced, your power bill check has bounced, your monthly insurance payment has bounced and your car has just broken down. Your bank has charged a transaction fee of $35 per bounced check. This is the fastest way to double what you actually owe by adding all of these extra charges.
Do you feel overwhelmed by your Finances? My Momma, Romayne Leader Frank, a lawyer and counselor, taught her clients and me how to budget our money. During my high school years Momma taught me to make a budget of my expenses, to keep a ledger of the money going into the bank and the money to be paid out for expenses. She also taught me to put my entire paycheck, after taxes were deducted from the pay check, in the bank. Then I would pay all my bills, and take out only the necessary amount for food and necessities. The remaining money went into my savings account. As a college student in New York City, I always had a job to help me pay for tuition, apartment rent, utilities, and food.
So, let’s get started and think this out together. You want everything in your budget. Whether it’s your personal or business finances, you have to have a plan in place for your success and you need to learn to budget your money.
What are the eight questions you need to answer to build your budget?
1)Are you withholding enough money from wages to pay for taxes?
2)How much money do you earn each month after taxes?
3) How much is your rent or mortgage payment each month?
4) How much is your power bill, gas bill, water bill, sewer bill, telephone, cell phone and insurance for my apt/house, self and for the car each month?
5) How much does it cost to put gas in the car each week to go from home to work and then return home? Multiply the total amount by 4.
6) How much does it cost in groceries each week? Multiply the total amount by 4.
7) How much will it cost for entertainment and new clothes per week? Multiply the total amount by 4.
8) Are you budgeting for unforeseen consequences such as family emergencies, loses not covered by insurance, emergency travel and other events? Include an amount per week and multiply by 4.
All your expenses need to be included in your budget. Once you have written down your total amounts for your bills/expenses per month you subtract them from your monthly pay check that you will be receiving after taxes. The amount that is left is the beginning of your rainy day fund to invest for your future to eventually buy a car, house, or business.
The concept is to spend only what you have and to stay on budget. You cannot buy frivolous things that you do not need and cannot afford. You have to stay within your budget. By having your budget plan in place you will know exactly how much money you have left over every month to begin saving for your future. Remember you cannot spend what you do not have. By following these steps and learning how to budget your money you will become financially successful.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Your Behavior Matters by Madeline Frank
Have you ever gone to a movie theatre and had someone put their smelly feet or shoes in your hair? Did you ask them to remove their feet? Did they?
In life there is a decent way to behave and respect others and yourself. Call it honorable behavior. In a recent article in several magazines and on U-tube a Russian cellist traveling on a train in China put his feet in the hair of a Chinese women sitting in front of him. She asked him to remove his feet politely and he insulted her “in Chinese when she protested”. Someone on the train took a video and it has shown up around the world with angry reactions to this man’s disgraceful behavior. His employer the Beijing Symphony Orchestra fired him saying, “his actions were deemed to have damaged the orchestra’s reputation.” Behavior does matter as this man lost his job due to his disgraceful conduct. There were consequences for his bad behavior.
This man’s negative behavior had consequences, he lost his job publically. Your behavior matters so be polite and courteous and think before you act. Will your behavior make you proud of your actions or sorry as this man was when he decided to apologize after being fired? People are accountable and responsible for their actions!
What has happened to decent behavior? This is something everyone should think about and remember. If you would not like dirty feet in your hair why would you want to put them in someone else’s hair? Confucius said it best, “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.”
What are the three things you should remember to do to behave responsibly?
1)Think before you act. Would you like this to be done to you? Would you be willing to read about it in the local newspaper paper the next day? Will it make you proud?
2)Would you purchase this behavior? “Let the buyer beware.” (“Caveat emptor”)
3)What one rule should you share with your family, your friends and your students? Dr. Madeline Frank’s famous saying, “If I take this action will it make me proud?” It works well in all situations. You stop and think before you do something disgraceful.
Your behavior matters so remember to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” (Matthew 7:12) Do the right thing and respect others and yourself. Your behavior does matter and does have consequences. Your behavior is a first impression of how you look to others. A first impression is permanent so think carefully before you act unwisely.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Madeline_Frank
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Saving New Born Babies Through Dr. Virginia Apgar’s Score by Dr. Madeline Frank
What is the most dangerous time of life? The answer to that question is birth!
Recently an Argentinian newspaper reported a new born baby was pronounced dead by 5 medical professionals. The parents went to the morgue 12 hours later to take a last picture of their baby daughter. They opened the coffin and heard their baby crying. No parent should ever have this happen to their baby. This is a parent’s worst nightmare. Her parents named her “Luz Milagros” meaning “Miracle Light”.
The medical staff should have followed Dr. Virginia Apgar’s 5 point Score to assess the new born baby in Argentina.
Dr. Virginia Apgar knew from her research that birth is most dangerous time of life. Her Apgar Score of 1952 quickly assesses the overall health of new borne babies saving the lives of millions of new born babies each year. In 1933 Virginia Apgar became "one of Columbia University's first female M.D.'s" she specialized in the male-dominated area of medicine surgery. Dr. Apgar said, “Even women won’t go to a woman surgeon.” She decided to switch her focus to the new field of anesthesiology. In 1949 she became the first full professor of anesthesiology at Columbia.
One day a medical student of Dr. Apgar asked her "about the need to evaluate newborn babies." Dr. Apgar said, "That's easy, you'd do it like this." She immediately “grabbed the nearest piece of paper, jotted down the 5 points of her Apgar Score and then rushed off to O.B Obstetrics & Gynecology to try it out."
What are Dr. Virginia Apgar's 5 point Score for assessing the health of new born babies?
1) Appearance, skin color
2) Pulse, heart rate
3) Grimace, reflex
4) Activity, muscle tone
5) Respiration, breathing
Dr. Apgar's name is the Pneumonic. As a physician she assisted in over 17,000 births. Dr. Virginia Apgar knew from her research that birth is most dangerous time of life. Her Apgar Score quickly assesses the overall health of new borne babies saving the lives of millions of new born babies each year. When Dr. Apgar was alerted to a problem she immediately thought of how to solve it. Dr. Apgar said, “Nobody, but nobody is going to stop breathing on me.” She also said, “Do what is right, and do it now.”
Medical professionals around the world should remember to use Dr. Apgar’s Score to assess the health of their new born babies to prevent medical errors.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".
Sunday, April 15, 2012
What Can Toastmasters Do For You? by Dr. Madeline Frank
How would you like to speak faster on your feet with more confidence? Do you believe in investing in yourself?
Recently a man dressed in black came into my office demanding money for a job I had never heard of. I asked him to please hand me a copy of the invoice with the signature of the superintendant of the job that the work was completed. I also asked him for the pictures to show the work was completed. He said he did not have either the pictures or the signed invoice. I asked to return when he had the completed information with the pictures and asked him to write down his name and phone number. After he left, I wrote down what time he came to my office and how he behaved. I learned through Toastmasters how to respond to difficult people quickly and calmly.
What are the six benefits you can learn at Toastmasters?
1)Toastmasters can give you the skills and confidence to speak quickly and clearly in response to almost anyone's tirade. During a Toastmasters meeting the Table Topics Master will ask an unknown question to a Toastmaster member and give them 1-2 minutes to answer. This gives them the opportunity to quickly think of an answer. This is a wonderful way to overcome your fear of speaking in front of others.
2)Toastmasters clubs teach their members, through their manual speeches, how to prepare speeches, how to deliver speeches, how to critically think and improve their written and oral presentation skills. Every new Toastmaster is offered a Mentor to help them improve their speeches at a faster rate. Most speeches in the manuals are 5-7 minutes and are timed. Constructive feedback is given in a positive friendly atmosphere. Every manual speech has an Evaluator who will listen critically to tell the speaker what the speaker needs to improve and what they did well. Constructive feedback.
3)Improve your listening skills. Listening to others is an important part of Leadership. Dr. John Maxwell the Leadership guru says “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect”. In learning to connect with others it is imperative that you learn to listen! By listening to others we will be connecting with them learning their stories and helping to solve their problems and ours as well just by listening.
4) Toastmasters meetings teach time management as each club has a printed Agenda to stay within the time allotted for each part of the meeting. (Meetings begin and end on time.)
5) Toastmasters clubs teach leadership abilities by having every Toastmaster in the club participate in a meeting. Each Toastmaster has some role to fulfill during the meeting. Nobody sits on the sidelines like a spectator at toastmaster. Developing leadership opportunities.
6) To be a member of a Toastmasters club is “Cost effective” The cost is $6 a month that’s $1.50 a week or $36 for 6 months. You too can invest in yourself and your future. Cost effective.
You have a wonderful opportunity at a Toastmasters Club to improve your speaking, communication and leadership skills for 25 cents a day. College and University courses are very expensive. You can spend thousands of dollars a year on just one course. The question is can you afford not to join Toastmasters?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Recently a man dressed in black came into my office demanding money for a job I had never heard of. I asked him to please hand me a copy of the invoice with the signature of the superintendant of the job that the work was completed. I also asked him for the pictures to show the work was completed. He said he did not have either the pictures or the signed invoice. I asked to return when he had the completed information with the pictures and asked him to write down his name and phone number. After he left, I wrote down what time he came to my office and how he behaved. I learned through Toastmasters how to respond to difficult people quickly and calmly.
What are the six benefits you can learn at Toastmasters?
1)Toastmasters can give you the skills and confidence to speak quickly and clearly in response to almost anyone's tirade. During a Toastmasters meeting the Table Topics Master will ask an unknown question to a Toastmaster member and give them 1-2 minutes to answer. This gives them the opportunity to quickly think of an answer. This is a wonderful way to overcome your fear of speaking in front of others.
2)Toastmasters clubs teach their members, through their manual speeches, how to prepare speeches, how to deliver speeches, how to critically think and improve their written and oral presentation skills. Every new Toastmaster is offered a Mentor to help them improve their speeches at a faster rate. Most speeches in the manuals are 5-7 minutes and are timed. Constructive feedback is given in a positive friendly atmosphere. Every manual speech has an Evaluator who will listen critically to tell the speaker what the speaker needs to improve and what they did well. Constructive feedback.
3)Improve your listening skills. Listening to others is an important part of Leadership. Dr. John Maxwell the Leadership guru says “Everyone Communicates, Few Connect”. In learning to connect with others it is imperative that you learn to listen! By listening to others we will be connecting with them learning their stories and helping to solve their problems and ours as well just by listening.
4) Toastmasters meetings teach time management as each club has a printed Agenda to stay within the time allotted for each part of the meeting. (Meetings begin and end on time.)
5) Toastmasters clubs teach leadership abilities by having every Toastmaster in the club participate in a meeting. Each Toastmaster has some role to fulfill during the meeting. Nobody sits on the sidelines like a spectator at toastmaster. Developing leadership opportunities.
6) To be a member of a Toastmasters club is “Cost effective” The cost is $6 a month that’s $1.50 a week or $36 for 6 months. You too can invest in yourself and your future. Cost effective.
You have a wonderful opportunity at a Toastmasters Club to improve your speaking, communication and leadership skills for 25 cents a day. College and University courses are very expensive. You can spend thousands of dollars a year on just one course. The question is can you afford not to join Toastmasters?
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Thursday, March 8, 2012
First Impressions Are Fast Impressions: How do you succeed at both? by Madeline Frank
How I learned the importance of first impressions and commanding attention from Frank Sinatra while playing at Carnegie Hall with him for two weeks during his sold out concerts. For your new first impression learn the 4 secrets to success.
Picture this: The lights at Carnegie Hall are lowered. You can feel the electricity in the air. The hall is filled to capacity. The orchestra is given the signal to begin. Frank Sinatra walks on stage, commanding attention, by looking tall, fit and trim wearing a tailored suit that fits him to perfection. He smiles and makes eye contact with his audience making each person feel as if they were an honored guest and he was singing just for them. The audience was riveted to the stage. They could not take their eyes off him.
Frank Sinatra, old blue eyes, sang with beautiful phrasing with good clear diction. He was telling a story through his singing. It was as if he was painting a picture through his singing. Between songs he would tell an anecdote, a story or a joke. Frank Sinatra sang for two hours with an intermission. The concert ended with a standing ovation and Frank Sinatra sang an encore leaving a smile on each audience members face as they left his concert.
What are the 4 secrets I learned from Frank Sinatra about first impressions and commanding attention?
1) Wear a smile and dress for success in clothes that make you feel happy and successful. Always stand or sit tall. Do not slouch and be proud of your appearance. My grandmother, Belle S. Frank, a women’s clothes buyer for a department store for many years said it best, “Look in the mirror what do you see?” Before you leave your house take a look at yourself in the mirror and make sure you look your best.
2) Everyone is attracted to fit people. Start exercising and stop eating junk food. After playing with Frank Sinatra I decided to join a gym and exercise 3 times a week. Also instead of eating my favorite candy or potato chips I would eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable like carrots or celery.
3) Speak clearly and at a moderate speed in a pleasing voice. Use words that show proper grammar and vocabulary.
4) When you are introduced to someone new, remember their name and use it often. At work or at home be a good listener and use eye contact. Ask questions show that you care about them. Everyone likes to talk about themselves.
In talking with a Contractor recently I noticed he did not sound like he usually does, happy and energetic. I asked him “how are you feeling?” He said, “not very well! I have to see my doctor.” I encouraged him to do this. When I spoke to him the following week the first thing I asked him was how are you feeling? It is important to care about the people we work with. We do not live in a vacuum. Show the people around you that you care about them!
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Picture this: The lights at Carnegie Hall are lowered. You can feel the electricity in the air. The hall is filled to capacity. The orchestra is given the signal to begin. Frank Sinatra walks on stage, commanding attention, by looking tall, fit and trim wearing a tailored suit that fits him to perfection. He smiles and makes eye contact with his audience making each person feel as if they were an honored guest and he was singing just for them. The audience was riveted to the stage. They could not take their eyes off him.
Frank Sinatra, old blue eyes, sang with beautiful phrasing with good clear diction. He was telling a story through his singing. It was as if he was painting a picture through his singing. Between songs he would tell an anecdote, a story or a joke. Frank Sinatra sang for two hours with an intermission. The concert ended with a standing ovation and Frank Sinatra sang an encore leaving a smile on each audience members face as they left his concert.
What are the 4 secrets I learned from Frank Sinatra about first impressions and commanding attention?
1) Wear a smile and dress for success in clothes that make you feel happy and successful. Always stand or sit tall. Do not slouch and be proud of your appearance. My grandmother, Belle S. Frank, a women’s clothes buyer for a department store for many years said it best, “Look in the mirror what do you see?” Before you leave your house take a look at yourself in the mirror and make sure you look your best.
2) Everyone is attracted to fit people. Start exercising and stop eating junk food. After playing with Frank Sinatra I decided to join a gym and exercise 3 times a week. Also instead of eating my favorite candy or potato chips I would eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable like carrots or celery.
3) Speak clearly and at a moderate speed in a pleasing voice. Use words that show proper grammar and vocabulary.
4) When you are introduced to someone new, remember their name and use it often. At work or at home be a good listener and use eye contact. Ask questions show that you care about them. Everyone likes to talk about themselves.
In talking with a Contractor recently I noticed he did not sound like he usually does, happy and energetic. I asked him “how are you feeling?” He said, “not very well! I have to see my doctor.” I encouraged him to do this. When I spoke to him the following week the first thing I asked him was how are you feeling? It is important to care about the people we work with. We do not live in a vacuum. Show the people around you that you care about them!
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
If you need a speaker contact Madeline at: mfrankviola@gmail.com
Sunday, January 22, 2012
“Made in the USA”
By Madeline Frank, Ph.D.
What are you eating these days? Have you looked at the labels on your meats and vegetables lately? Were they produced in America or somewhere else? Where are your frozen fruits and vegetables from?
I went into my local grocery store to buy hamburger meat, and read the label. The label said USA and Mexico. You have to read all the labels to find our American products. I immediately put the meat back and looked through all the hamburger meat to buy USA ground hamburger.
In the same grocery I went to the frozen vegetable department and almost all frozen vegetables are from Mexico. I then went into the fresh fruit department and had to look at every label to find American produce. Even during the summer months vegetables were not from our American farmers. You have to look hard and long to find our American products in our American grocery stores. You must read the labels.
I was getting ready to buy some canned sardines and the label said China. I put it back on the shelf. I was looking to buy Virginia honey and Vermont maple syrup at the local supermarket but found Chinese honey and Canadian maple syrup. I put them back and went to another store to buy Virginia honey and Vermont maple syrup.
I went to the supermarket to buy peppermints and looked on the labels. They were made in China, Mexico, or Canada. I had to continue to another store to find American made mints. We have wonderful resources in this country. Let’s buy American and bring American jobs back to America. Americans pay taxes in the USA. Mexico, China, Canada and other countries do not pay taxes to the USA. They do not support our country we do. “Let’s buy American!
In January 1, 1994, NAFTA, North America Free Trade Agreement became law and it was signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. President Clinton signed it into law. Since its enactment it has destroyed millions of jobs all over the United States. It’s time to put America first by buying American goods made here in America.
What are the six things you can do to support our own wonderful country, the USA, by buying American products?
1.Look at the labels on all your paper goods, plastic goods, soaps, light bulbs ,household cleaners and other goods to make sure it says made in America. If not return it to the shelf.
2.When you are buying your fresh fruits and vegetables look at the labels and buy only American. When you are purchasing frozen vegetables or frozen fruit look at the labels and buy only American.
3.When you are buying canned foods look at the labels and buy American products only. When you are buying honey, maple syrup, peppermints, and other local products, look at the label and buy only American products.
4. When you go to the grocery store look at the labels on the fresh meats, hamburger, steak, chicken, milk, eggs, cheese, butter, and yogurt and buy only American labeled products.
5.When you need to repair something in your house buy only American made materials, for example: American dry wall, American concrete, American heating and air-conditioning units, washers, dryers, sinks, tubs, water heaters, stoves, ovens, microwaves, paint, plumbing equipment, roofing supplies, refrigerators, etc.
6. When you need a new car buy a Ford. It’s the only American Car Company that did not take a bail out to belong to the Unions.
Ask your local stores and grocery managers to purchase American goods to support their country, the United States of America, and you will be proud you did!
Remember let’s support our own country, our own farmers and our own American companies who build businesses and have families here in America and pay taxes in the USA. Put Americans back to work! Foreign companies do not pay taxes in the USA.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
What are you eating these days? Have you looked at the labels on your meats and vegetables lately? Were they produced in America or somewhere else? Where are your frozen fruits and vegetables from?
I went into my local grocery store to buy hamburger meat, and read the label. The label said USA and Mexico. You have to read all the labels to find our American products. I immediately put the meat back and looked through all the hamburger meat to buy USA ground hamburger.
In the same grocery I went to the frozen vegetable department and almost all frozen vegetables are from Mexico. I then went into the fresh fruit department and had to look at every label to find American produce. Even during the summer months vegetables were not from our American farmers. You have to look hard and long to find our American products in our American grocery stores. You must read the labels.
I was getting ready to buy some canned sardines and the label said China. I put it back on the shelf. I was looking to buy Virginia honey and Vermont maple syrup at the local supermarket but found Chinese honey and Canadian maple syrup. I put them back and went to another store to buy Virginia honey and Vermont maple syrup.
I went to the supermarket to buy peppermints and looked on the labels. They were made in China, Mexico, or Canada. I had to continue to another store to find American made mints. We have wonderful resources in this country. Let’s buy American and bring American jobs back to America. Americans pay taxes in the USA. Mexico, China, Canada and other countries do not pay taxes to the USA. They do not support our country we do. “Let’s buy American!
In January 1, 1994, NAFTA, North America Free Trade Agreement became law and it was signed by the governments of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. President Clinton signed it into law. Since its enactment it has destroyed millions of jobs all over the United States. It’s time to put America first by buying American goods made here in America.
What are the six things you can do to support our own wonderful country, the USA, by buying American products?
1.Look at the labels on all your paper goods, plastic goods, soaps, light bulbs ,household cleaners and other goods to make sure it says made in America. If not return it to the shelf.
2.When you are buying your fresh fruits and vegetables look at the labels and buy only American. When you are purchasing frozen vegetables or frozen fruit look at the labels and buy only American.
3.When you are buying canned foods look at the labels and buy American products only. When you are buying honey, maple syrup, peppermints, and other local products, look at the label and buy only American products.
4. When you go to the grocery store look at the labels on the fresh meats, hamburger, steak, chicken, milk, eggs, cheese, butter, and yogurt and buy only American labeled products.
5.When you need to repair something in your house buy only American made materials, for example: American dry wall, American concrete, American heating and air-conditioning units, washers, dryers, sinks, tubs, water heaters, stoves, ovens, microwaves, paint, plumbing equipment, roofing supplies, refrigerators, etc.
6. When you need a new car buy a Ford. It’s the only American Car Company that did not take a bail out to belong to the Unions.
Ask your local stores and grocery managers to purchase American goods to support their country, the United States of America, and you will be proud you did!
Remember let’s support our own country, our own farmers and our own American companies who build businesses and have families here in America and pay taxes in the USA. Put Americans back to work! Foreign companies do not pay taxes in the USA.
Madeline Frank, Ph.D. is an Amazon.com Best Selling Author, sought after speaker, business owner, teacher, researcher, and concert artist. She helps businesses and organizations "Tune Up their Businesses". Her innovative observations show you the blue prints necessary to improve and keep your businesses successful. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show". She has just published her new book "Leadership On A Shoestring Budget".
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- Madeline
- Madeline Frank, Ph.D. business owner, teacher, researcher, speaker and concert artist. She writes a monthly newsletter "Madeline's Monthly Article & Musical Tips" and a monthly radio show "Madeline's One Minute Musical Radio Show".